Chapter 41

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(A/N: I decided to keep her full futa. And thanks to one of my readers, I've decided that Makoto will have both genetalia. Most of the futas I'm aware of only had a penis so when the reader suggested I had both since there are futas that do have both genitals, I believed that would be the better option.) 

The large wolf used her weight to crash down onto the titans below her, crushing one underneath her paws. She snarled as she turned her head to snap at one of the titans that is trying to grab hold of her. She was able to latch onto one of the titan's wrist and swung her head hard enough to the side to rip off its arm. The titan lets out a strangled sound but it was cut short when Makoto spat out the arm and targeted its throat.

The recruits watch helplessly as the two commanding officers and Makoto fought for their lives. Titans began to latch onto Makoto's fur, biting down on the wolf and gripping onto her fur. No matter how much power she put in to shake them off, more titans would pile up on her.

Just as Makoto watched Gelgar get eaten, she felt a titan bite down on the back of her neck. She began to thrash wildly, hoping to loosen its bite. Makoto could feel her stamina slowly drain away as her movements started to grow weaker and slower.

"Makoto!!" Historia cried out and leaned over the edge, watching titans pile on top of the wolf. Ymir quickly grabbed Historia and pulled her away from the edge before she could fall off.

Makoto squeezed her eyes shut, waiting for her impeccable doom.

"Stop!! Father, I'm sorry!! Please stop hurting me!!"

Makoto's eyes shot open and saw titans fighting over Nanaba. The terror in her voice and the sight of her leg missing made Makoto's blood run cold.

"I... I'LL KILL YOU ALL!!" Makoto shouted, causing her wolf form to let out a loud, hostile sound that was between a howl and a bark. Using her new found energy, she was able to shove off some of the smaller titans before dealing with the bigger ones.

"Father no!!" Nanaba's desperate cries filled Makoto's ears. Just as a titan was about to swallow Nanaba, Makoto's sharp canine teeth sank into the titan's arm. Like a rapid dog, she swung her head around until the arm ripped off. 

Thanks to her fast reflexes, she caught Nanaba in her mouth before she hit the ground. Despite saving Nanaba, being unable to use her teeth leaves her vulnerable. The wolf turned her head upward toward the top of the castle. 

With her hind legs, she leaps onto the side of the tower, causing the entire tower to shake. She tried her best to climb as fast as she could but she could feel the titans' nails digging into her fur, trying to pull her down.

Struggling to reach the top, she could feel their nails digging into her skin now and into her flesh. Once her muzzle reached the top, she quickly dropped off Nanaba before letting herself fall into the crowd of titans. If Makoto were to hang on any longer, the tower would have went down with her.

"Commander!" Connie shouted and rushed over to Nanaba who was still delirious and was shouting about her father. As everyone turned their attention toward the commander, Ymir took Connie's blade and watched over the edge as Makoto was now the only one fending off the titans.

Chunks of her fur has been ripped off and the wolf looked like it was about to give in any moment. It didn't take long before titans began to pile onto the wolf again. Sadly, this time the wolf didn't have enough strength to fight back.

'I guess this is really the end... Annie.. Ymir.. Christa.. I'm sorry..'

A loud roar can be heard and all of a sudden, Makoto could feel the weight on top of her begin to lessen. Makoto weakly glanced up to see a titan with rugged brown hair fighting off the other titans.


The wolf let out a weak whimper as she tried to stand up so she can fight once more. Ymir quickly rushes over to her and held the wolf's head in her hands gently. The wolf's bright green eyes stared into Ymir's black ones before gently nudging their heads together.

With someone by her side, Makoto found another reason to keep fighting. Despite clearing out a good number of titans, it wasn't enough to win the fight. The two were eventually overpowered and were struggling to keep the titans off one another.

"Ymir! Makoto! You can't die! You have to live! Destroy the tower if you have to!" Historia screamed out.

"Christa, are you insane?!" Connie exclaimed. 

With Historia's words, Ymir began to tear the tower apart, throwing bricks and rubble at the titans while Makoto fended off any titan that tried to reach for Ymir. 

Hearing the tower crumble, Ymir leaped onto the top of the tower and had everyone grab onto her. Jumping down, she quickly held onto Makoto's fur. 

"Go!" Her titan rumbled. The wolf sprinted as fast as she could away from the collapsing tower and to somewhere safe. 

The group watched as the titans were crushed under rubble. Panting heavily, Makoto can feel her legs begin to wobble. Just before she could collapse, titans began to emerge from the debris. 

"We can't catch a break!" Reiner grunted, gritting his teeth.

Trying to ignore her exhaustion, she continued to stand tall. Baring her teeth at the titans, preparing for another fight. She was going to make it out of here alive, no matter what.

Despite her courage, both the titan shifters were outnumbered and the titans began to eat away at their forms.

Almost as if some sort of prayer was heard, the Scouts came to their rescue and began to wipe out the titans. What Makoto could remember was being pulled out of her wolf form by someone. She was gently laid onto the ground, staring up at the blue sky. 

"You pushed yourself too hard." A monotone voice cut through the air. The white-haired woman was too tired to turn her head or to snap back. Simply staring at the sky and thanking that she was going to live another day. 

Hearing the person shift beside her to get in her field of vision, her gray eyes were met with another pair of gray eyes. 

Mikasa had been the one who pulled her out.

"You could have died, dumbass." Mikasa stated, not a hint of concern in her voice. But something told Makoto that she was faking it. 

"Thank you.." Makoto's voice crocked before she began coughing. Too busy coughing, Makoto couldn't notice how Mikasa's eyes widen slightly and how they softened for a quick second.

Putting on her cold appearance again, she looked down at Makoto. "You'll be fine now. You can rest."

Letting out a long sigh, Makoto shut her eyes and fell into a deep unconscious state.

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