Chapter 44

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People could feel it from miles away. A storm was brewing and it wasn't going to end well.

After finding out the news, Makoto had grabbed Ymir's wrist and dragged her out the room, demanding to tell her where Kyouko was. Without hesitation, Ymir led Makoto to Erwin's office.

"They're in there. I don't know much but I saw Kyouko come back with Annie in cuffs." Ymir informed. Staring at Erwin's door, Makoto can feel her blood boil hotter than ever before. 

"Stay out here," Makoto growled and raised her foot, kicking open the door with full force. Everyone's attention was on Makoto now who had the look of a murderer in her eyes. Looking around the room, she spotted Erwin, Levi, Kyouko, and Annie. 

Annie's hands were handcuffed behind her back with a sack over her head. She hated how they were treating her. Walking into the room, there was a dark aura around the hybrid.

The loud bang of the door being kicked open had echoed through the halls and caught the other Scouts attention. They were eavesdropping by the door, watching intensely.

"I thought you said Annie was dead." Erwin said in a menacing tone, drawing a scoff from Makoto. 

"As if I was going to tell you the truth. After all, I'm just a lying mutt." Makoto spat. Levi's eyes narrowed as Erwin remained stoic. 

"It no longer matters. Annie has been brought back and she will face her punishment for what she did." Erwin stated.

Makoto couldn't even imagine what they would do to her. If they shoved her in a cell for two days without food or water, what were they going to do to Annie? Just as Levi stepped toward the female titan shifter, Makoto got between them. A growl rose from her chest as she stared down at the captain. "Back up, pipsqueak." 

"You have some guts, kid." Levi replied, "Some gut to defend someone who killed almost all of my squad." Venom dripped from his voice as he spoke of Annie.

"Lay a hand on her and I won't hesitate." Makoto threatened, holding her wrist near her mouth. She was willing to transform and lose it all if it means protecting Annie. 

"You're foolish if you believe you would get away with it. You'll be up against the entire Scout Regiment and a titan shifter." Erwin said with a sly smirk, implying Eren. Makoto couldn't help but snicker.

"You think Eren has the power to stop me? After all those times I've beat him in training? Not to mention, I can wipe out your entire pathetic regiment if I wanted to. In fact, I've been feeling kind of hungry." Makoto taunted with almost sadistic look in her eyes.

Kyouko stared at her sister, she's never seen this side of her sister before. Makoto has been protective before but never to this extent. Why was she trying so hard to defend someone who killed dozens of people? Not to mention, Annie is just a cold individual, whatever she planted in Makoto's head, it was changing her sister.

Erwin's stoic expression finally cracked as his lip twitched. "Is this a threat Ichijo?" His voice dropping an octave as he placed his hands on his desk and leaned forward. Makoto walked closer, placing her hands on the other side of the desk, leaning in as well. "Oh I'm dead serious, commander." Makoto snarled.

The two had a stand off, glaring into each others' eyes and neither of them were about to break away. "If you're so intelligent, then what do you suggest we do?" Erwin challenged. "Let me watch over her then. I'm the only one who can keep her at bay and stop her if she tries anything." Makoto brought up. 

"And how would I know you two won't try anything?"

"If I wanted to, I would have helped Reiner and Bertholdt get away with Eren and Ymir." Makoto stated, causing Erwin to stay quiet. After a few minutes of thinking, he let out a sigh of defeat and turned away from her. "Very well, you will have supervision of Annie and she won't face any severe punishments. She will be given tasks to do instead. Is that fair?"

Makoto smirked victoriously before nodding. "Absolutely sir," she lazily saluted before walking back to Annie. Makoto could feel herself relax seeing Annie standing right in front of her. She couldn't believe it.

Carefully taking the sack off her head, she was greeted with the same blue eyes she fell in love with. She had earplugs in and had a cloth over her mouth. Taking those off as well along with the handcuffs, she pulled Annie into her arms.

The blonde immediately relaxed in her arms, nuzzling her face into Makoto's shoulder as her arms tightly wrapped around her. Even Makoto's tail started wagging happily. "Hey you," Annie whispered loud enough for the hybrid to hear her.

"Hey..." Makoto spoke back softly, not wanting to let her go. She wanted to keep Annie in her arms forever, she didn't want to let go. Sadly, good things have to come to and end. Letting go of the shorter woman, she looked down at Annie with a loving smile. "Come on," Makoto said and took her hand, walking out with Annie.

The other Scouts watched with their mouthed gaped and in awe. No one ever stood up to Erwin or Levi like that. Makoto stopped walking and turned her head, "Ymir, you coming?" Snapping out of it, Ymir ran over and walked beside them. Annie caught a glimpse of Ymir holding Makoto's other hand. Although she was confused why they were holding hands, she didn't mind it too much. 


Makoto had caught Annie up with everything that had happen. When she told her about Reiner and Bertholdt's betrayal, all Annie could respond with was a nod. If she felt angry or hurt, she didn't show it.

Leaving Annie in Ymir's care, Makoto had something else to deal with. Walking over to the cafeteria area, she opened the door to see everyone enjoying their lunches. Looking around, she found the table she needed.

Walking over, she walked up to someone from behind, towering over the person. Everyone else at the table stopped talking and looked up at Makoto with fear. Grabbing the person by their shoulder, Makoto pulled them back.

Falling onto the floor, Kyouko yelped in pain and rubbed the back of her head. "Ow... What the hell? Makoto?! What the fuck?!" She growled at her older sister. Makoto kept quiet, staring down at her younger sister with a sort of hatred in her eyes. 

"How dare you. How fucking dare you break your promise?" Makoto said, her voice laced with venom as her eye twitched. Kyouko grinded her teeth and got onto her feet, standing up to Makoto.

The two glared at each other, the tension between the two hybrids caused the entire cafeteria to go silent. 

"Why? What  purpose would you get for bringing back Annie?" Makoto snapped.

"Why the hell are you so defensive over her? She's just a cold bitch."

Grabbing her by her shirt, Makoto lifted her up slightly. "You don't know anything about her." 

Drawing a scoff out of Kyouko, she ripped her shirt out of Makoto's grip. "I did it because it was what was best for you. You were lying to the commander and everyone was fine with it! Annie can cause another genocide if she wasn't taken in! And because of her, you changed!" Kyouko shouted, jabbing a finger at Makoto. "You became cold-hearted! You pushed everyone away! Even me!"

Finally snapping, she shoved the younger woman away from her, her eyes glowing green. "Because you took my freedom away!! I was free for once! And you dragged me back into hell! Why would I be thankful toward the bastards who stole that away from me?!" Makoto yelled, the fur on her tail getting agitated. 

"I don't understand... I'm your sister and yet you treat me lesser. What am I really to you, Makoto?" Kyouko swallowed.

Panting softly, Makoto allowed herself to calm down before walking up to her. Staring down at her young sister, what started with an emotionless gaze turned into a stone cold glare.

"I could ask you the same thing, Kyouko. Because from what I remembered, you betrayed me more than a majority of the humans here." 

Kyouko's eyes widen slightly as her mouth gaped open to respond, but nothing came out. Scoffing softly to herself, Makoto shoved past Kyouko, not knowing if she could even call Kyouko her sister anymore.

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