Chapter 12

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Kyouko heads towards the forest with a search party that consists of Annie, Ymir, Mikasa, Eren, Jean, and Armin.

They begin to slow down once they reach the edge of the forest. Kyouko adjusts her hat, looking up at the trees. "Do you really think Makoto actually went into the forest? Isn't it dangerous?" Armin says nervously as he glances around.

"It's her only possible chance of getting away. I don't understand why she had to run away." Eren says with a frown.

"She probably got tired of her punishment of cleaning up after everyone so she ran away without being reasonable," Mikasa says.

Kyouko glances at Annie who has not said a word ever since they left. Her expression is unreadable and her eyes are locked onto Mikasa. Something about the look she's giving her sent shivers down Kyouko's spine as her icy blue eyes were like daggers.

"It doesn't matter why she did it. I have to get her back. It's not safe out there. She'll be safer with the rest of us. Who knows, maybe they'll be nice enough to let her come back." Kyouko says, earning a small scoff from someone in the group.

"I don't know. Your sister doesn't seem like the type to run away without a good reason." Ymir says, her hands resting on the back of her head.

"Whatever it is, I'm still going after her. It's best if you guys keep distance. She'll recognise you guys." Kyouko says as she gets off her horse. Just as Kyouko was about to head into the forest, a hand firmly grips her shoulder.

"Think about what you're doing." Annie says coldly before letting go of my shoulder and moving away from her. Kyouko gulps nervously and wonder what Annie meant by that.

Kyouko pushes away the thought and head into the forest with her horse while the others were keeping their distance.

The only things Kyouko could pick up are the wind blowing through the leaves and the dead twigs that snap under her feet and her horse's hooves. The horse suddenly comes to a stop, shaking his head as he begins to back up. Kyouko tries to calm her horse but he only grows more frantic. Kyouko looks around to see what's causing him to panic and she sees a figure in the distance. The figure is wearing a black cloak and had white hair. Not to mention, the figure has white wolf ears on the top of their head. It's Makoto.

She's facing the other direction, walking farther away. Kyouko quietly follows her, slowly closing in and making sure the twigs weren't snapping under her feet. Makoto comes to a stop and she turns around to face Kyouko.

Makoto stares at her with a cold gaze, her face was emotionless and the aura around her felt dark. Her eyes weren't gray anymore but instead, it was green, the same color as her wolf form.

"Makoto, I can't believe it's you!" Kyouko shouts with joy, her tail wagging in excitement as she engulfs her sister in a hug. Makoto tenses up against her sister and shoves her off in reaction. Kyouko stumbles back confused as she looks at Makoto who has her canine teeth bared in hostility. "Never touch me." She snarls as she storms off.

All these questions are swirling in Kyouko's head like a hurricane. She runs after Makoto and quickly gets in front of Makoto.

"Makoto wait! I need to get you back!" Kyouko says. Makoto stares at her younger sister, her eyes filled with hurt and betrayal but soon turned into anger and hatred.

"Over my fucking dead body," She growled. "How can you say that after what they did to me?!"

"Makoto, stop being unreasonable! I'm taking you back there, whether you like it or not." Kyouko says with determination as she grabs Makoto's wrist, causing the older girl to flinch and pull away.

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