Chapter 45

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(A/N: Not ya'll disowning Kyouko in the comments I can't- 🏃🏃😭 Some of your comments made me scream lol. This is gonna be a long one boys, girls, & theys so buckle up. Smut incoming! Also, I know a lot of you wanted Ymir & Historia so their smut will be the next chapter!)

Makoto's mind was racing as she headed back to her cabin. She couldn't understand it, she gave everything to her sister and this is what she gave back in return. The thought made Makoto's hand curl into a fist. Kyouko was the only family she had left, but now, can she really call Kyouko her family after so many betrayals?

It has always been Makoto and Kyouko, together against the world. It's always been like that ever since the two lost their parents. But now it felt like Makoto is left to face the world alone. It's been a long time since she felt at home, where she can just be safe and vulnerable. Not having to worry about looking behind her back all the time for people who are trying to eavesdrop on her or hurt her.

Why. Why was she so unlucky? What has she done to make the world mad at her? When will be the next time she'll get hurt? How badly will she get hurt?

Worries plagued her head, causing her to use her fist to hit her head.

"Stop it, you dumbass! Why are you thinking about this now?!" Makoto snarled at herself. Slouching in some sort of defeat, she shook her head with a sigh. All she wanted to do was crawl into bed and sleep the rest of the day away.

Annie and Ymir should be getting lunch soon so she would have the afternoon to herself.

She knocked on the door of the cabin, waiting for permission to enter. Not receiving an answer, Makoto couldn't help but raise an eyebrow in confusion.

"Did they leave already?" Makoto muttered under her breath before shrugging and opened the door.


That was the first thing Makoto laid her eyes on. Her mouth gaped open slightly in surprise as her throat went dry. They were round and appeared soft with pink nipples. Makoto swallowed as her eyes wandered down to be greeted by a toned stomach. Is that a six-pack?! Poor Makoto's eyes didn't stop there, the person in front of her was only in a woman's black briefs.

Realizing that she had been staring for too long, her eyes snapped up to meet a pair of light blue eyes.

"Sh-Shit! I-I di-didn't mean-" Makoto stammered and began to panic on the spot. She couldn't help but continue to stare at Annie's muscular naked body. She must have been mid-changing when Makoto walked in.

"You're still staring," Annie stated in a monotone voice. Makoto's cheeks grew bright red as she turned her head and covered her eyes.

"I-I'm really sorry! I-I should have waited for a response! I-I'll leave you alone!" Makoto stuttered before trying to back out. She's never felt so embarrassed and scared. Who the fuck knows what kind of hell Annie would rain upon her for walking in on her naked?!

While trying to back out, Makoto stumbled on her own feet and fell back on her behind. She caught another glimpse of naked Annie and turned her head again. She turned it so fast she thought her neck was going to snap. "SORRY!" She yelped before reaching for the door and slamming it shut.

Sitting outside of her cabin, cheeks flushed and heart-pounding, Makoto tried to catch her breath while processing everything. Memories of Annie flashed into her mind, remembering the details of her body. Her cheeks glowed brighter as she felt her cock twitch slightly.

"Fuck, I feel like a pervert..." Makoto whispered and tried to make the color on her cheeks die down. Stumbling to get up, Makoto decided to go take a cold shower before her dick gets any other ideas.

Wolf Titan (Futa Yuri Attack On Titan Story)Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz