Chapter 4

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Merry Christmas to all of you wonderful people!! A lot of you guys have been reading my stories for a long time now and this Christmas, I wanted to give you guys something! I know this is a really late Christmas gift but I tried my best! For the people that follow me or are aware of this, I have a bunch of other books that I write. So as my gift, I'm updating all of the one-shot books at once along with this book! I hope you guys check my others stories out for the updates and Merry Late Christmas!

'I'm gonna kill that girl!'  Makoto snarls in her head as she's currently was being cowled at by Commander Keith because her sister pulled a prank on him. The prank was originally made for Eren but Commander Keith walked into it instead. Kyouko begged her to take the blame because she didn't want to deal with Keith. Of course, Makoto couldn't was going to say no since she was her little sister. 

"I'm surprised someone like you pulled a prank. I guess I was wrong about you," He scoffs causing her to glare at him and her wolf ears twitch in irritation. She bites her tongue, holding back her words, knowing that if she talked back, she was going to be in deeper trouble. 

"I can't deal with you right now. I have others to deal with. I'll leave your punishment to another commander." Keith says and walks off. Makoto rolls her eyes and walks toward the training field. Kyouko saw her and ran up to her, "Thank you so much Makoto! I owe you a bunch!" 

"You better. His fucking breath smelled like ass and sardines." Makoto complains and shutter at the horrible stench. Kyouko grins and hugs her tightly while thanking her repeatedly.

"Yeah yeah. Get back to training," Makoto says. Kyouko smiles and runs off while Makoto looks around for a training partner.  

Eren and Jean were once again fighting with Mikasa in the middle trying to defend Eren.

"Mikasa, I don't need your help! I can fight my own damn fights!" He yells at her. 

"You don't stand a chance. Let me help." She says.

 "No! I don't need your fucking help! You're not even my real sister so stop acting like one!" He says, causing her eyes widen slightly before taking a step back and looking down.

Makoto felt pity for her, knowing that if her sister ever said something that harsh to her, it would break her. It must have hurt her badly since her stoic look was now broken and replaced with a wounded look.

Makoto can feel her blood boil in anger towards Eren. 

How can he treat her like that when she's only trying to defend him? 

She walks over to the three then grabs the boys then shoves Jean away while holding onto Eren. "He-Hey let me down!" Eren shouts, thrashing in my grasp. 

"Look little boy. I don't like what you said just then, it makes me fucking angry. You show her respect when she's trying to help you." She growls. Eren gulps and tries to loosen my grip on his jacket. She narrows her eyes at him before pushing him away, causing him to stumble a bit. 

She looks him straight in the eye, "You're lucky she's here to save your ass. So be grateful or you would have been Horse Boy's new boy toy." He gulpsin fear and nods rapidly. 

Mikasa stares at her, a bit shocked by my actions but Makoto walks off before she could say anything.

Kyouko might scowl her later for scaring her new friends but Makoto couldn't care less?

She continues to wander around until the sound of sniffling catches her off guard. 

Was someone crying?

Makoto looks around to see where was the sniffling coming from. She follows the sound and follows it to a shack where training equipment was kept in. She walks around the shack to find a girl holding her wrist in pain while whimpering. 

"What's with you?" Makoto asks, causing the girl to jump in surprise and look up at her. 

 "Pl-Please don't tell Commander Keith! If he finds out I'll-" She stammers but was cut off.

"Why would I tell Commander Dumbass?" Makoto asks.

"S-So, you're not turning me in?" She sniffles. Makoto walks closer to get a closer look at the girl to see it was Mina, one of her cabin mates. 

"No. So why are you crying?" I asks again. 

"I-I was training and the person twisted my wrist on accident. They said they would tell Commander Keith so I can be excused to the medical area but I ran before they could. Keith already sees me as someone weak and was already thinking about sending me home... So I couldn't let him see me like this." She rambles while looking down.

"Well, Mina. You shouldn't care what Commander Baldy thinks. At least you were able to run over here with an injured wrist. Some people I know would drop down to the floor and cause a whole scene as if they were shot in the stomach." Makoto says, causing Mina to relax a bit and let out a soft giggle. 

"Now come on," Makoto says as she picks up Mina in her arms. 

"Wh-What are you doing?" She asks, flustered and holding onto her with her good hand.

"Taking you to the medical area. You think you can run away from Keith with an injury? Might as well sneak you in." Makoto says and begins to head to the medical bay.

Mina doesn't complain and leans her head against her shoulder. Makoto will glance at her now and then to make sure she's alright. Every time she does, Mina has had a small smile on her face. 

Once they get there, Makoto sets her down and allows people to tend to her injury. Just as she was about to leave, Mina pulls on her sleeve. "Thank you, Makoto." She said and gives her a bright grin. "Take care of yourself next time," I tells her and pats her head before leaving.

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