Chapter 24

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Ever since what happened on the hilltop, Makoto has allowed Ymir and Historia into her life. They sit with her during meal times now along with Kyouko and the two are almost protective over her. Makoto has gotten to know the girls a bit more which Kyouko couldn't help but notice. She feels proud that her sister is slowly opening up to people.

Makoto wakes up a couple of hours earlier than the others one morning so she can have alone time. She sighs content and gets dressed before going outside to enjoy the morning air.

She fluffs up her wolf tail and stretches while taking in a deep breath. Since it wasn't breakfast yet, she decides to do a bit of exercise. Makoto starts off with jogging a couple of laps until the sun begins to creep up the horizon. Just when Makoto was about to run another lap, her ears picks up a soft clanking sound. 

Her wolf ears perk and look in the direction of the sound. It's coming from a small building. She makes her way over to the building and knocks on the door, causing the clanking to stop and the door to swing open.

She looks down to see Mikasa, "Oh great, it's you."

"What are you doing here?" Mikasa said coldly. 

Makoto rolls her eyes and bites back a growl, "I was about to ask the same thing."

They stare at each other for a while until she speaks up again, "Are you going to just stand here or are you coming in?" She raises her eyebrow suspiciously but enters in anyways. 

Inside is a small workout area. She watches as Mikasa walk over to a press bench and sits down, wiping up her sweat with a towel. 

"Hey Makoto," Mikasa says as she gets up. "Why are you always bullying Eren?" 

"Excuse me," Makoto snarls, "You think I want to lay my hands on your little boy toy?" 

"He's not some boy toy! He's Eren!" Mikasa snaps and grabs her by her shirt. Makoto growls and snaps, pushing her back and pinning her against the wall.

"I don't care who the fuck he is or what he is to you. But if you got a problem how I'm training with him then complain to Levi. I have no interest in that dumbass." She growls darkly.

Mikasa stares up at Makoto, her eyes darting from her lips and back to her eyes.

Makoto eventually lets go of the girl and leaves the building before Mikasa could say anything.


Makoto sits down at her usual table to eat her breakfast. Ymir and Historia take their seats at the table as well, followed by Kyouko.

Makoto watches Eren banter with Armin while Mikasa was acting quieter than usual. She prods her food wit hehr fork, eventually glancing at Eren but turns her gaze back to her plate.

Once breakfast is over, Eren and Makoto head over to their usual meeting spot with Levi and the other Scout regiments. When Makoto arrives, she spots Nanaba and Petra.

"There's our favorite shifter," Nanaba says and walks over to wrap an arm around her shoulders and ruffle her hair. 

"What are you doing?" Makoto asks and grumbles as she pulls away with messy hair.

"Nanaba stop it," Petra says as she move over to Makoto to fix her hair for her, standing on her tiptoes.

Makoto mumbles like a stubborn child while Petra fixes up her hair. 

"All better," Petra says smiling as she steps away.

"Thanks. Now why are you guys here?" Makoto asks.

"We just wanna check up on you. And I haven't seen you in a while so I want to see if you're doing okay kid," Nanaba says with a soft smile.

Makoto turns away a bit flustered all of a sudden, "I'm fine. Stop worrying so much about it."

Nanaba chuckles and pats her head, carefully not to mess up her hair again. "Okay okay. We'll leave you alone now. Take care of yourself kiddo." She says and kisses the top of her head before walking away. Petra moves over to her, standing on her tiptoes to also kiss her forehead.

"Good luck," She says before following Nanaba.

Makoto stands there dumbfounded and her cheeks burning. 

What just happened?


At the end of the day, Makoto returns to her cabin early.

I just wan this day to come to an end. Today has been nothing but loops and turns, surprises at every turn.

She lays on her bed with only a sports bra and boxers. The other girls won't be back until midnight since they're going out into town to relax. It was nice for Makoto to finally be alone.

Normally Makoto would have bandages tied around her hips to tie down her crotch so it's not noticeable but now since she's alone she didn't have to. 

Makoto sits up and looks around the empty room before remembering that her sister has lent her a book a while ago and she never read it before. Makoto gets up from her bed and goes to her bag to get the book. But before she could get back to bed, someone walks in.

Mikasa stands by the doorway, looking at her chest then moving down to her toned stomach and crotch. Her eyes widen when she spots her crotch which Makoto quickly covers up and glares at her.

"What the hell, Mikasa?!" Makoto shouts as her cheeks heat up with embarrassment. She quickly looks around and finds a pair of her shorts. She quickly turns around so her back is facing Mikasa and slides on her shorts. 

But when she turns back around, Mikasa has moved closer. 

"Why are you pretending to be a guy now?" She asks. 

"Excuse me?" Makoto asks, offended and confused. 

"You're putting things down there to pretend you have a dick." She rolls her eyes. 

"Yea. Whatever sure." Makoto says. 

Thank god Mikasa isn't that bright.

"What the hell are you even using anyway?" She says, grabbing her junk.

Makoto feels her cheeks turn bright red and she lets out a low growl when her hands grabbed her crotch. Makoto quickly covers her mouth and stares at her with wide eyes. Mikasa also stares back at her with wide eyes and quickly removes her hand. 

The two stare at each other in complete silence and shock.


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