Chapter 48

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Fun Fact: This is what Makoto would like in the modern-day.

Fun Fact: This is what Makoto would like in the modern-day

Ουπς! Αυτή η εικόνα δεν ακολουθεί τους κανόνες περιεχομένου. Για να συνεχίσεις με την δημοσίευση, παρακαλώ αφαίρεσε την ή ανέβασε διαφορετική εικόνα.

"Hey, wake up kid." A man's voice ringed in Makoto's ears. She groggily woke up, feeling someone's hand lightly slapping her left cheek. "There we go," The man said and pulled his hand away. Makoto attempted to rub her eyes but felt something tug at her wrists. She turned her head to see her wrists bonded together by rope. "What the..." Makoto scanned her surroundings, realizing that it was only her and the man in front of her. "Where are they?! What have you done with them?!" The wolf snapped, pulling harder at the rope.

Only now did she noticed the brown pair of wings behind the man. Noticing her stare, the man winked and chuckled, "Like them?" 

"Don't get cocky. I just didn't expect to see another hybrid. Or in fact, being kidnapped by one." Makoto scoffed and continue to squirm against her restraints. She had to find Historia and Eren, they could be in danger.

"Skye, is she awake?" A woman asked as she appeared at the door. Her face lit up to see Makoto and her crocodile tail started wagging like a dog. "Oh, good! You're awake!" She squealed and kneeled beside the other girl. 

"Who the hell are you? Where's Historia and Eren? I swear if you hurt them-" Makoto growled but was silenced when the woman in front of her placed a finger on her lips. 

"I know you're confused about what's going on, but hear me out first okay? I'm Floryn and that's Skye, my fiancee." Floryn introduced as she moved her finger away, "And we don't know what happened to your friends. We just know that a man named Rod Reiss took them. Apparently, the man is the girls' father."

"Then why am I here? What do you two want from me?" Makoto questioned, keeping her guard up. Floryn offered a gentle smile, "You see, I was doing research on my family heritage and found out that we're distant cousins! Isn't that amazing?!" Her crocodile tail swished from side to side with such force that Skye had to take a couple of steps back.

"Even if we are, you're not my family. I don't even know you." Makoto rebuked. "Besides, I don't need anyone else in my family, I have my sister." This caused the other woman to pout and her tail to stop wagging. Noticing her attitude shift, Makoto sighed and allowed her shoulders to relax a bit. "Why me? Why didn't you take my sister too?" 

Skye and Floryn shared a glance before nodding. "We wanted to talk to you only. Well, me actually." Floryn explained, "We're more alike than you think. The three of us have the power to shift. I can show you more, but you have to cooperate with us."

Makoto narrowed her eyes at the pair, "Fine, but if it's anything shady, I'm backing out." Floryn grinned and nodded, "Don't worry, it's not. Skye, can you get the books?" She asked as she walked behind Makoto untie the rope. Skye left the room and came back a minute later with a leather-covered journal. 

"Everything you need to know about our history and our powers is in here," Skye said and handed the younger woman the journal. "Why are you giving this to me? You two barely know me." Makoto questioned, examining the cover. The journal had no title and the leather was worn out. 

Wolf Titan (Futa Yuri Attack On Titan Story)Όπου ζουν οι ιστορίες. Ανακάλυψε τώρα