Chapter 34

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(A/N: I'm changing the book to Wolf Titan bc I think it sounds more fitting)

A huge wave of heat hits the Scout members, causing them to retreat back. 

Soon, the Female Titan stands tall in front of the underground tunnel. The Female Titan reaches into the tunnel in attempt to grab Eren. This forces everyone to retreat further into the tunnel to get away. Well, everyone beside Makoto who is being pulled along against her will.

They finally stop when they are far enough into the tunnel. Makoto lashes out of Kyouko's grip and glares at the group.

"I can't believe you assholes used me like this!" She snarls, her hands clenching into fists. Her nails dig into the palm of her hands, enraged that she was just used as bait.

"We had to do it." Mikasa simply responded.

Just then two Scout members approach them and ask if the plan was successful, the roof crushes down on the two, killing them. The group quickly retreat to safety.

"Don't worry guys. I'll transform and I'll fight her off." Eren says as he gets ready to transform. He bites down on his finger attempting to transform but nothing happens. His eyes widen with horror as he continues to bit himself.

"No no no! Not now!" He shouts desperately as he tries to transform.

"This is ridiculous."  Makoto growls at Eren's sad attempts.

"Makoto, Eren can't transform. You have to help us out." Armin says.

"Me? Help you out?!" Makoto asks then bursts out laughing. "You want me to help you? After what you guys did? You used me like bait!" She turns her gaze onto her own sister. "And you! You could have at least told me what was happening but you allowed them to use me! You could at least make an effort to make me feel something other than bait to lure out someone!"

"Makoto, now isn't the time. You have to transform." Mikasa demands.

Just as Makoto was about to snap, the roof above them collapses, crushing Eren under the rumble.

They look up to see the Female Titan looking down at them. Kyouko and Armin throw Makoto a wretched look, begging her to transform.

Makoto looks back at them with a hard expression then spits at their feet. "Go fuck yourselves." She says and uses her own ODM gear that she's wearing to hook herself onto the Female Titan and reels herself up.

She swings up and lands on the Titan's shoulder, causing the titan to look at her.

"Don't worry Annie. I'm not gonna stop you from what you wanna do." Makoto says. The Female Titan looks away, looking back down at the group who are still in the tunnels.

'I'm done here.' 

Makoto hooks herself onto a building nearby and reels herself away from the scene.

She didn't care about Armin, Eren, or Mikasa's pitiful lives. But for Kyouko to do that to her? It was like a stab in the heart. She had already hurt her once. And now to use her like this?

As much as Makoto cares for her as her sister, Annie was the one who saved her from her demise. The blonde, despite not purposely looking for her, was still the one who found her and helped her leave.


Makoto sits on the far side of town, carefully wiping any smudge on her blades with her shirt. She glances up to see the Scouts fight the Female Titan unsuccessfully. The titan was swatting them like flies.

She hasn't seen Eren or his titan form yet, she can't help but wander if he's still stuck under the rumble.

Luckily, her question didn't take long to answer when the ground began to shake and a strike of lightning came from the sky.

She watches as Eren's Titan charge towards the Female Titan, going into full combat with her. 

When Eren threw the Female Titan against a building, Makoto can't help but worry a bit. She knows that Annie can take care of herself but what are the risks of Eren actually winning against her. She knows that Eren is full of rage now, especially towards Annie and most likely won't stop until she's been defeated.

Makoto puts her swords away and watch the fight, waiting for the perfect opportunity. Just as Eren shoves the Female Titan into multiple buildings, causing them to come crashing down, Makoto jumps off the building she was on and bites her wrist just before she hits the ground.

The ground rumbling from her transformation could easily be covered up by the falling building. Thanks to the town's buildings being at from 12-18 meters tall, the so-called Wolf Titan is capable of hiding amongst the buildings.

However, she knows that her white fur will be a dead giveaway. She sniffs around until she finds the underground tunnel again, rolling around in the rumble and dirt to make sure every inch of her fur was covered. 

She crouches into almost a hunting position to keep her profile low. She also keeps her distance, watching the two Titans fight in the distance as she waits for the perfect moment to pounce. 

The fight was gruesome but Annie manages to get away from Eren and head towards the wall.  

However, just as Annie was about to reach over the wall, Mikasa flies over and cuts off her fingers from both hands.

Just as she's falling, Eren gets back up on his feet and charges towards her.

But he wasn't fast enough. The Wolf Titan sprints pass him, launching herself at the falling titan. Her jaws latch onto the back of the Female Titan's neck, pulling her down to the ground.

Many watching are shocked to see Makoto joining the fight and so last minute.

Once the Female Titan makes impact with the ground, the Wolf Titan sprints off. 

Eren pounces on top of the Female Titan, decapitating her and ripping chunks of flesh off the titan. Eren turns the body of the Female Titan around to only reveal that a chunk of her neck is gone.

Annie is gone.

This causes Eren to freeze in shock, he didn't know where she could be. Where could she have gone?

He must have been so distracted because all of a sudden, he was being cut out and pull from his Titan form by Levi.

"Where is she brat? Where's the girl?" Levi demands, pointing at the corpse of the Female Titan that is starting to evaporate.

"I-I don't know! I swear! I turned her body around and she was gone!" Eren replies, confused as he was.

"Makoto," Hanji speaks up, making Levi and Eren turn their heads towards her. "Makoto has her."

Wolf Titan (Futa Yuri Attack On Titan Story)Where stories live. Discover now