Chapter 35

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Wind rushes past the wolf's fur as her feet stomps against the ground. Blood rushing as she did her best to weave around tight corners and between buildings. She can hear the sounds of grappling hooks shooting out and the reeling of the iron wires. 

Luckily the buildings were tall enough to hide the large wolf and the Scouts can only find her by launching themselves high enough to catch a glimpse of her. Her jaws stay clamped shut, not wanting to drop the girl in her mouth. 

Unlike Eren and Annie, she doesn't have the ability to protect the nape of her neck. She can't reach back and cover it from potential Scouts. All she can do is run far enough to get some distance. 

Her eyes scan the area, trying to figure out some sort of plan. It was foolish of her to act out of instinct but she didn't want them to capture Annie. Who knows what they would do to her? They might treat her like how they treated Makoto or even worse.

Her sense heightened when she glances up to see Mikasa over her head, blades ready at her hands. Just when she comes down, Makoto takes a quick right turn, barely dodging the blades.

'Come on! Come on! Think!'

Makoto has to work fast. The longer she stalls, the Scouts will form plan to capture her and take both her and Annie away. Makoto gathers all her energy and focuses on running faster to gain distance. She can hear the shouts of Scouts shouting to her and to one another. 

She looks at the wall, knowing that it is her only chance of getting out of here. She can feel her legs burning and aching, begging to stop and rest. Using whatever energy she has left, she launches herself at the wall, digging her nails into the wall to keep her up.

She breaths heavily through her nose and glance back to see the others catching up. She can't stop and catch a break now. She has to keep pushing for Annie's sake.

Her muscles scream in anguish as she tries to climb up the wall. Being that it's difficult since she has four paws rather than fingers and toes. 

She remembers the times when she was forced to transform during her experiments and she was capable of causing her wolf form to shift to allow her to stand on her hind legs.

'How the fuck did I do that again? Why can't I remember?!'

Makoto curses at herself for not remembering but keeps pushing. She feels grappling hooks dig into her skin, almost causing her to open her mouth to howl. Two Scouts land on her back before they stab their blades into the nape of her neck. One of the blades barely missed her left human arm.

Makoto can feel her grip loosening as the grip in her hind legs are starting to slip.

"Makoto stop!" She hears the shouts of Eren and Kyouko call out to her. Her body gains a surge of energy from their voices, fuelled by anger and betrayal. 

She shakes off the two Scouts and their grappling hooks and use her newfound energy to leap to the top. Her front paws dig onto the top of the wall while her hind legs scramble for support. She grinds her teeth and finally pushes her hind legs up then leaps off the wall to the other side.

She lands safely on the ground, breathing heavier than before. She still has to go past Wall Maria before she is in the clear. Makoto glances up at the top of the wall, seeing Kyouko standing there at the top. She stares at her with sadness in her eyes as the wind blows through her hair.

Makoto turns her gaze away from her younger sister, unable to look at her anymore. She better start running before Levi and the other Scouts attempt to get her. She sprints away, not looking back for a second.

She can't slow down because the titans around her will try to grab her. She isn't able to fight back effectively, not when she is carrying Annie around in her mouth.

To her shock, as she runs past several titans, none of them bother to turn to look at her. Makoto slowly comes to a stop, looking at the titans she ran past as they continue to wander their business. 

'Why aren't they attacking me? Titans attacked me the first time I transformed.'

Makoto continues on walking towards Wall Maria, passing by groups of titans that would simply ignore her as if she doesn't exist. 

'Could it be that I'm fully an animal now and I'm not attacking them so they have no reason to fight back?'

When she reaches the hole that was caused by the Colossus Titan and the Armoured Titan. She steps out towards the wilderness and feel the long grass under her paws. She stretches out her sore muscles before moving towards the dense forest.

After sniffing around for titans, she finds a safe place to settle down. She carefully puts down Annie on the ground and takes several steps back. 

Makoto finally lays down and feels her wolf titan form become extremely exhausted. Soon enough, Makoto herself merges from the nape of the wolf titan still a bit hazed. She somehow gets out by herself and stumbles a bit.

"I must have exhausted my body too much." Makoto says to herself and sits down next to Annie's unconscious body. She turns her head to look down at the blonde, watching her breath in and out. 

'I really did all of that to get her out of there?'

Makoto thought to herself now that everything was being processed in her head. She reaches down and brushes several strand of hair from Annie's face. 


By the time Annie regain consciousness, Makoto had started a small fire and given Annie her jacket. It wasn't night time yet but Makoto didn't want Annie to get cold.

"Where are we?" Annie asks, sitting up confused.

"Where do you think we are?" Makoto replies, poking the fire with a stick to keep it alive.

"...You got me out of there didn't you?" The blonde says but got no response from the white-haired girl. "But why?"

"You got me out before didn't you? It's only fair I returned the favor," Makoto shrugs and finally leaves the fire alone to slowly die out.

The two sit in silence, watching the flames flicker. 

"So what now? What happens to you?" Annie questioned the other girl. 

"I don't know. Go back?" She hesitated a bit. Makoto honestly didn't know what to do next. Annie had a plan when she wanted to go over the wall. But Makoto? She came out here for Annie. If she goes back, she knows she's basically dead meat.

Annie stands up, brushing herself off before offering a hand to Makoto. "Run away with me." 

"What?" Makoto asked.

"You know you're not welcomed back. Run away with me. The two of us can make a living together ourselves. We can defend ourselves from titans just fine, with and without weapons. We can start new." Annie asserts.

Makoto is taken back by her idea but wasn't turned off by it. Starting new with someone she technically didn't hate. Somewhere far away from her trauma and in the wilderness where she's surrounded by nature? It almost sounded too good to be true.

"Why? I thought you didn't like me?" Makoto inquires to which Annie respond blandly with, 

"If I hated you, I would have killed you with the rest of them."

Makoto looks down at her hand then up into her eyes. She stays quiet and still for a moment before taking her hand.

Annie pulls her up, both their hands still together. 

Makoto watches as one of Annie's rare smiles appear on her face, the corner of her lips quirking up slightly. Makoto couldn't help but let a small smile appear on her own face as well.

Making sure the fire was extinguished, the two of them head deeper into the forest together.

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