Chapter 8

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Makoto watches from the roof of a house that was a safe distance from the chaos as titans slowly make their way to the middle of town. Titans destroying buildings and picking up humans along the way. Blood-curdling screams and cries can be heard from miles away. It's almost hard to believe Kyouko's somewhere in that mess. She really is an idiot to leave. And for what cause? It isn't like she could save all of them. Lives must be taken or given up for new life to flourish. 

It wasn't long till the Scout Regiment and Training Crops were in the air. Makoto almost feel bad watching them get swat out of the air like flies. She sighs as she watches people get killed and eaten. 

This was getting boring. It was like watching the same things over and over again. Nothing new happens. By now, only several titans were taken down, but it's nothing compared to the wave of titans coming in through the hole. 

She frowns as more titans got in the way, blocking her view. "Oh come on, it was about to get interesting," she mutters to herself and gets up on her feet to stretch.

Might as well get a closer look at what's going on then.

She uses her ODM gear and hooks herself onto the roof of another house then reels herself towards the house and releases just in time to let her be in midair for a while before hooking onto another house. 

Makoto lands on the sidewalk and duck into an alleyway to watch the titans walk over her. "Man they're fucking ugly," She says. She hears someone screaming above her and looks up to see a titan holding onto a man. His feet flail as he screams for help. He makes eye connect with Makoto and his eyes brighten. "Help me! You gotta help me! It's me, Tom!" He screams. 

She doesn't move from her spot and watches as the titan draws the man closer to his mouth. "He-Hey! Help me!!" He screams. He screams louder as the jaws of the titan closes around his torso and it swings its head side to side, ripping the man in half.

Makoto can't help but let her lips form into a smirk of amusement. She turns away and walks off as the sound of Tom's bones being crushed in the titan's mouth. She gets up onto the roof and sees a man who's injured. His breathing is heavy as blood pours from his wounds and mouth.

She walks over to him and looks down at him. His name is Nack, Makoto has seen him around before, always ordering people around. He reaches a shaking hand out to me as he groans in pain. "Please... Help... Me..." He whispers. 

Makoto picks him up, supporting him as he leaned against her. As he was about to say something, Makoto chucks him off the roof. He lets out a terrified scream as he falls. Once his body hits the floor, it let out a sickening crunch of his bones. Silence. 

Makoto couldn't feel guilt as she stared down at Nack's broken body. She just stares at the body until she was bored. She looks around to see more dead bodies littered everywhere on the street. Blood splattered on the roof of buildings. The bodies of Scout Regiment, Training Crop, children, adults, and all alike laying lifeless. A man named Franz was dead, alongside a half-eaten corpse.

Makoto chuckles at the thought of them thinking that mankind actually has a chance against titans. 

Just as Makoto was about to leave, she could hear Kyouko scream, "Makoto!!" It was a scream of fear and terror. She hasn't screamed like that ever since the day of our parents' death. 

Makoto can feel her blood run cold as she looks around frantically, "Kyouko?!" 

In the distance, a titan that's about 15 meters tall is holding Kyouko. Makoto's heart shatters and her body felt numb. Kyouko looks at Makoto, her face was full of fear. 

And that was the last face she saw. 

As Makoto was about to go towards her, the titan wraps its hands around her and crushes her in its hands. Makoto can hear the sounds of bones, a small cry of pain, then silence.

It was as if the world was turning against her now, killing off her parents and now her sister.

She was feeling so many emotions at the moment that she couldn't even process everything around her.  Her vision grows blurry as tears formed in her eyes. She grits her teeth as her body begins to shake with rage. It feels as if her sanity is being ripped away from her. 

Her body grows hot from anger as if it was boiling her from the inside. 


With that, her vision was blinded by a bright light. Then darkness. And she felt her conscious slip.

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