Chapter 42

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(A/N: This a very long chapter uwu)

Makoto didn't know what happened after she passed out. Or how long she passed out. The only thing she knew was that she woke up with her arms and legs cut off and Bertholdt was watching over her. 

Groggily, she looked around her surroundings to find herself on a tree branch and nearby were Reiner, Ymir, and Eren. The sight of Ymir's arms cut off snapped Makoto out of her dazed state. 

"Where the hell are we? What the hell did you do to Ymir?" Makoto growled at Bertholdt.

"Ma-Makoto please calm down. Ymir is fine, she'll grow back her limbs, all three of you will." He reassured. Scoffing at his words, he looked over to the two brunettes that no longer had their arms. Eren looked like he was going through a crisis while Ymir kept glancing at her. Whatever was spoken when she was knocked out, it clearly caused high tensions around them.

"That doesn't explain what happened to us buddy," Makoto spatted at Bertholdt who gulped slightly in fear. 

"We had to cut off your limbs in case any of you tried to transform. And the reason why you guys are here is because we need to bring Ymir and Eren back to our hometown since they're shifters." The man tried to explain causing Makoto to roll her eyes.

"Then why am I involved?" She growled, her patience wearing thin. 

"We knew if we took you as well, the chances of Ymir and Eren trying to escape will decrease since they won't be willing to leave without you. While you're a shifter as well, we can't really confirm you're like the rest of us... You can shift into a large wolf, but we can't really consider that a titan." Bertholdt explained.

"Tell that to the big monkey," The woman muttered to herself. 

"Shall we also bring up the fact that you know where Annie's location is." Reiner's cold voice rang out, causing all of them to grow quiet. Makoto's posture stiffened for a second before she huffed annoyed, "What makes you think I know? She's dead."

"As if Annie would die that easily. You know where she is. What did you do to her?" Reiner turned to face her with a look of a killer in his eyes. Makoto's eyes narrowed at him. Opening her mouth, Reiner thought she was going to speak. But instead, he was hit in the face by spit.

"Go fuck yourself," Makoto sneered with a cocky smirk. Ymir couldn't help but chuckle proudly while Eren watched in awe at Makoto's fearless yet stupid act. Reiner grinded his teeth as he wiped the spit off. Just as he was about to yell at her, a line of signal flares were spotted in the horizon.

"We have to get going," Reiner grunted and as he approached Eren, Eren attempted to attack him but was quickly knocked out when he was placed in a choke-hold. Unlike Eren, Ymir didn't put up much of a fight. Makoto kept her eyes on Ymir.

'Why is she so willing to go with them.. She isn't fighting. Does she actually want to go with them?'

Makoto's heart sunk at the thought of losing someone dear to her again. Her feelings were racing again. First Annie, and now Ymir? How many people does she have to lose? 

"Ymir, what are you doing?! You're not actually planning to go with them are you?!" Makoto lashed out, unable to hold back her emotions. "You can't do this! What about the others?! What about Christa?! Me?!" She cried out in desperation, feeling tears welling up in her eyes.

Just as Ymir was about to say something, Reiner stepped forward and tied a piece of cloth over Makoto's mouth, preventing her from speaking. "We can't have her shouting through the forest, it'll give our position away." He didn't stop there however, he began to tie down Makoto with rope so she couldn't move her arms.

Wolf Titan (Futa Yuri Attack On Titan Story)Όπου ζουν οι ιστορίες. Ανακάλυψε τώρα