Chapter 10

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It all went by so quickly. All Makoto remembers was watching her sister get killed. And now she was going to be used in a plan to patch up the giant eight meter hole.

Kyouko was still alive but many of her bones were broken. Luckily, she would make a full recovery but it'll take awhile. It means dealing with everyone else without her. Makoto cried when she saw Kyouko and held her in her arms. She's never been so relieved to have her baby sister with her. However, that was the only good thing that happened to Makoto.

Ever since the incident, they're keeping Makoto and Eren locked up in a dungeon.

Why do I have to get locked up? I keep telling them I didn't know what happened but they won't believe me. I had no control over what I was doing but they never listened.

The dungeon is cold and lonely. Kyouko couldn't visit her due to her injuries and no one from the Training Corps cared.

Only Hanji started visiting Makoto when she found out Makoto didn't know how to transform like Eren. Makoto felt like she only did this because she saw her as some lab rat to take notes on, which she wouldn't be surprised if that was Hanji's intentions.

Unexpectedly, she was pretty nice to her and offered her food from time to time. She takes notes about what she has to say, asks questions, and offer suggestions on what could allow me to transform.

In conclusion, Hanji tells her the only way for Makoto to transform was to inflict an injury herself, similar to how Eren bites down on his hand. Makoto found it stupid but if it meant cooperating with them to get her out of this dungeon, she was all for it.

They let her out of the dungeon and allow her to spend most of her time with Kyouko, making sure she was doing fine. And at other times, they force her to join their dumb meetings about the plan.

Then came the day where everything took action.

As Eren and Makoto head towards the boulder, he transforms into his titan form. As Makoto was about to do the same, a part of her was telling her not to. But she knew if she didn't, they'll only kill her off or send her back to the dungeon. She bites down on her wrist hard enough to draw blood. Makoto tries to keep her conscious but it was getting harder every passing second. Eventually, she lost all consciousness and a white light blinds her vision once more.


Once again, she wakes up with no memory of what had happened. But whatever happened, Makoto was back in the dungeon. Makoto asks Eren what happened but he only shrugs.

"I only know some of it." He says.

"It doesn't matter. Just tell me." she says. He nods and faces her on the other side of the cell.

"When we transformed, the both of us lost control. You tried to attack anyone that was near you but luckily, they got away quick enough. I attacked Mikasa but she got away in time." He says. She nods at him to continue. "The next thing I remembered was me slouching by the boulder, not moving while you were killing off titans while trying to kill everyone else as well. Eventually, I was able to gain control over myself. You know, I thought I was about to save the day... until these stupid titans got on me and made me dropped the damn boulder." He says, his teeth grinding. "Titans began to pile on me and I didn't have a chance of escaping. I don't know what happened to you but all of a sudden you rushed over and began to push the boulder by yourself. You pushed it until it sealed the hole completely and helped get the titans off of me." He explains.

Makoto sits in silence, listening to his words. "That's all I remember. I passed out before you did." He says shrugging. Makoto leans back against the cell wall and sighs frustrated. "Did you ever gain control?" Eren asks.

Makoto shakes her head, "No. Every time I transform, I lose consciousness and everything else happens by itself. It's as if that form has a mind of its own."

"Weird. I didn't happen to me." Eren says.

The both of them end up falling asleep but Eren wakes her up when he let out a loud gasp. She looks over to him and out the cell to see a short man. "I-It's Levi!" Eren stuttered.

"The short dude?" Makoto asks, scratching her head. Levi glares at her but gives them both a static look.

"So, these are the two idiots," He says.

"Oh look, the midget speaks," Makoto scoffs, earning an elbow to the arm by Eren.

Levi ignores her comment and looks at Eren, "I heard you're interested in killing titans?" Eren nods and gulps nervously. Levi looks at him then gets up while signalling to one of the guards standing by him.

One of the guards opens the cell gate, letting another guard in to pull Eren out by the chains that were around his wrist. The guard locks up the cell and Makoto get up. "What about me?! He's done as much damage as I have!" She snarled. Levi looks up at her and says, "We don't know as much about you as we do with Eren. At least we know, Eren has control over his titan form. As for you, you're not a human or someone who's like Eren. Therefore Pyxis wants us to run experiments on you to know you and whatever you transform into more."

Makoto growls angrily and slams the chains around her wrists against the bars. "I'm not some lab experiment! Let me out!" she shouts. Levi leaves with the guards behind him. Eren looks back at her and frowns then turns back around to look down so he can't have to make eye contact with anyone. "You fucking bastards! You'll pay for this!" Makoto shouted.


It wasn't long till news spread to the dungeon. Eren was accepted into the Survey Corps by Levi. But for Makoto? She's stuck in the dungeon as their new lab experiment now. Makoto hears footsteps drawing closer to the cell. Makoto looks up to see a priest, Pyxis, Levi, Hanji, and a tall blond man with thick eyebrows. She stands there quietly, glaring at them.

"Maybe there's another way for this. We don't have to use her like this." Hanji suggests.

"She doesn't belong here! I say we kill her!" the priest shouts.

"Try me old man!" Makoto snarls, causing the priest to jump in fear.

"See! A monster!" He shouts.

"Erwin, you can't let this happen. She's not as bad as she seems. She helped me with my stuff and she never tried to hurt me the last time I was with her." Hanji says, trying to convince the blond man.

"Hanji, the decision is already made. We know nothing about her and what she transforms into to. We can't have her sister be the experiment since she can't even transform. And second of all, she is responsible for countless murders of our soldiers. Besides, if you don't want to do the experiments on her, we always have others that will." Pyxis says. Makoto grinds her teeth and clutch her fists. Hanji looks defeated, knowing that she can't win this argument. She gives the other girl one last glance before leaving with Levi, Erwin, and Pyxis.

The priest throws her a smirk and a dark chuckle. "Hell's only begun, Demon." He hisses as he left the dungeon chuckling.

Makoto slumps down onto the ground, her back against the wall.

Hell's only begun, Demon.

The thought keeps playing repeatedly over and over in her head. She knew it was true...

Hell has only begun.

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