Chapter 11

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It hurts. Everything hurt. At least it used to. But now, Makoto feel numb. She can't feel anything except the small flicker of revenge within her. 

Why? Why hasn't anyone come to rescue me? It's been so long that I've lost track of time. Did anyone try to look for me? Or they did look but didn't try hard enough? Did my own sister not even bother to look for me? Probably, she's always too busy with her friends. Too busy to even look for the person who took care of her after our parents died. I hate her. I hate them. I hate every single one of them. 

Makoto glances up to look at the two titans that have been chained up near her for a couple of weeks now. They recently brought them in for experiments. 

That stupid privileged Eren kid probably brought them in and is now probably being praised as a hero. 

Makoto looks down at her hands that were shackled and locked away in a metal containment. She has given up on trying to escape and the hope of someone breaking her free was quickly destroyed. She leans against the cold bars of the cage she's being kept in. 

She sighs and closed her eyes, trying to ignore the groans and discomforted roars of the two titans besides me. As her conscious began to slip, Makoto can hear the sound of small gravel shifting. The two titans must have heard as well because they went silent. 

The sound of the 3D maneuver gear and soft footsteps on the gravel and sand. Makoto opens her eyes and sits up a bit, causing her chains to rattle. The footsteps stopped and everything grew still. 

There is a figure hiding in the shadows, standing near the two titans. Whoever it is, they were wearing a cape with the hood up. Their movements are quick and silent as they use their gear to hook onto the titans and sliced the nape of their necks. The titans let out one last cry before dying. 

The person lands near the cage Makoto was in. She stays quiet as the figure examine the cage. The figure's eyes wander around the cave until they landed on Makoto. Makoto stares back at them, only being able to see several distinct features. Blue eyes and several strands of blonde hair.

"Annie," Makoto says with no emotions. She walks closer to the cage and places her hand on one of the bars. 

"So there you are," she says. Makoto doesn't respond and continues to stare at her. "They lied to us. You were stuck here the whole time." She says, her voice slightly rising. Makoto looks towards the direction where the sun was coming up. "I would get going if I were you. Guards are coming at dawn and they won't be too happy to find out three of their test experiments are dead." Makoto informs.

Annie stays silent and walks towards the entrance of the cage. "Three? Are you the third one?" She asks, examining the door. "Who else? I don't see another titan or freak around." Makoto snaps. Annie glances around before quickly jabbing the blade against the lock, breaking it.

Her wolf ears perk up as she kicks open the door. "Come on. You've been in here too long." She says and reaches her hand inside.

Was this a trick? After all this time, someone comes and saves me. And it wasn't who I expected or wanted to be. A human was saving me. No, she wasn't a human. 

Makoto looks up at her, her eyes showed no sign of emotions or anything. She didn't know what she was or who she really is but one's thing for sure is that she wasn't a human. She wasn't one of them, the ones who've killed her parents, brainwashed her sister, and used her as a lab rat.

Makoto takes her hand and gets up. Annie examines her up and down, taking note of her condition before wrapping one of her armd around her shoulders then held Makoto by her waist. 

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