Chapter 22

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Makoto stretches her muscles out as she gets ready for her training battle with Eren. Eren nervously talks with Hanji and Levi, trying to get out of the fight. Levi gives him a hard glare and tells him, "Man up Yaeger."

Makoto smirks at Levi's blunt response before cracking her neck. "You ready Ichijo?" Levi asks without looking up from his tea.

"Ready," Makoto responds and goes out to the middle of the field. Eren nervously makes his way to the middle of the field and gets ready.

"On my mark! Get set! Go!"

The both of them shift into their forms at the same time and begin their fight.

The large titan of 15 meters stands tall as it pants heavily. In front of the titan, the large wolf pulls her lips back in a snarl as she glares up at the titan. The titan roars as it charges at the wolf.

He tries to land a punch on her but the wolf quickly moves ouot of teh way and latches her jaw on his leg. She swings her head from side to side, causing the titan to lose his balance while also having his leg ripped off. he roars and smashes his fist on the wolf's head, trying to make her let go.

She continues to swing her head until she rips the entire leg off. Spitting the leg aside, the wolf launches herself at him but the titan stops him by grabbing her mid-air as she snaps her jaws at him. He throws her aside and gets up with one leg, launching himself at her and ripping some of her fur off.

The wolf howls in pain as she digs her claws into the dirt. Eren's titan bites down on the back of her neck. The wolf quickly reacts and before the titan could clamp down his jaw, she turns and claws his eyes.

The titan pulls back roaring as he covers his eyes in pain. The wolf snarls and slams her head against his chest then bites down on his other leg, dragging the titan around as the titan is too busy holding his eye in pain.

Far away, Levi watches with disappointment while Hanji records down everything.

The wolf, making an intelligent move, quickly moves away from the titan's leg as the titan sits up and kicks. The wolf quickly goes behind the titan and uses the advantage of the titan sitting up to dig her claws into his shoulder and sink her jaw down into the back of his neck.

The titan roars and reaches back trying to rip the wolf off of him. But it's too late as the wolf clamps down her jaw and sinks her teeth further down.

The wolf tears the chunk of flesh off and the titan turns lifeless. The wolf spits out the chunk of flesh to reveal Eren unconscious.

The wolf howls victoriously as the blood matted on its fur, muzzle, claws, and teeth, start to disappear.

The wolf turns her head towards Levi and Hanji. Other Scouts begin to surround the two to protect them but what happened next shocked them. The wolf approaches them calmly before sitting down in front of them with her tail wrapping around her paws.

She stares at them with not eyes full of senseless destruction. It was as if Makoto has gained some sort of control over her wolf form now.


Once she turns back into her human form, Hanji bombards her with questions for her report. Her eyes sparkles with interest and curiosity. She reminds Makoto of an excited puppy. She goes along and answers as many question Hanji has for her.

Before Hanji can ask another question, Kyouko calls out to her, running over to her sister out of breath. She pants heavily as she holds up a hand to signal to give her a second to catch her breath once she reaches her then flashes a goofy grin. "I wanna talk to you! Come here!" She says and excitedly pulls Makoto away from Hanji.

Once they're alone, Kyouko smiles up at her sister, "I've been talking to this girl and I think I might like her."

Makoto smirks and automatically knew it's time for payback. "Oh really? Who's the girl?" She teases, nudging her.

Kyouko blushes more and her wolf ears flatten with embarrassment. "Don't laugh at me!" She stutters.

"Alright. Alright. Who is it?" Makoto asks with a chuckle.

"It's Mina..." She says shyly.

"Oh I know her. I didn't think she likes girls." Makoto chuckles and pats her sister's head. "But hey good on you, you should go for it."

"But that's the thing. I don't even know if she likes girls. And what if she doesn't see me that way? What if she doesn't like the idea that I'm not human?" Kyouko says with worry.

Makoto frowns at her sister's statement and sternly says, "So what if she doesn't like if you're not human? That's her goddamn lost then."

Kyouko looks up at her and nods, "You're right. I'll talk to her soon."

Kyouko gives her a goodbye wave before running off and Makoto heads back to where Hanji and the others are to answer the rest of Hanji's questions.


That night, Makoto can't sleep. She had another nightmare of her being dragged into a cage and being experimented on again. All the needles going into her veins and the sounds of whips snapping in the air.

Makoto shutters at the memory and sits up on the bed to see everyone still sleeping. She quietly gets out of bed and puts on a jacket before leaving the cabin. She goes to a grassy hill, taking a seat on the soft grass and gazing up at the sky to look at the moon and stars while feeling the soft breeze of the wind.

Makoto smiles and closes her eyes as she lays back on the grass. Memories of when she and kyouko were kids flood back into her mind of how they would sneak up to the rooftop and look up at the stars. They would draw random animals and objects with the stars as a game of connect-the-dots.

Those were the good days. Sure it wasn't the best but Makoto still had all of her family. It was a simple lifestyle with no fighting. No loneliness.

She frowns, remembering that life isn't like that anymore. Despite having people around her, it wasn't the same. She still feels lonely and isolated out by everyone else.

She still hates how Eren is loved by many and is popular among everyone. While she was an experiment project gone wrong and a monster can turn on everyone at any moment.

No one can understand how it feels like to be seen as some kind of monster. Makoto always feels alone. It's so cold and sad...

There are many times where Makoto would get angry with herself. She would get angry, telling herself that she could have saved her parents if she put in the effort. That none of this would be happening if she just tried harder or was a better person.

Makoto can feel her eyes starting to sting as a lump forms in her throat. The stars grow blurry from the tears in her eyes as she feels herself break down. She allows her walls to crumble as her emotions hit her all at once. She hugs her knees as she sobs quietly to herself. She hasn't cried this hard since her parents' death and when her pet turtle died. Everything in her hurts.

I feel so cold and alone. It hurts. Why am I so different from everyone else? I never asked for this. I never asked to be someone's experimental guinea pig. I never asked to be different or special.

No matter how hard she cries, there's still a pang in her heart and a dropping feeling in her stomach.

She doesn't notice as two presences begin to approach her until they sat down beside her. She didn't care anymore, she was too broken to fight anyone right now. She only hugs her knees tighter to muffle her sobs.

Suddenly, someone hugs her from behind, pressing their warm body against her back. The second presence hugs her from the front. Makoto feels warm and safe in their arms, allowing her sobs to die down until she completely stops.

She sniffles, not wanting to move. She didn't want whoever was holding her to let go. She didn't care who it was anymore.

She just needs someone with her right now.

Wolf Titan (Futa Yuri Attack On Titan Story)Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ