Chapter 2

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~5 years later ~

"You remember the plan don't you?" Makoto ask quietly. "Why do we have to do this?" Kyouko mumble causing Makoto to snarl, "Because if we're gonna kill them then we have to know their weaknesses."

It's been 5 years ever since the incident. The twos sisters have been living on their own ever since and they mostly dug for scraps or stole food. Makoto was currently 14 years old and Kyouko was 12. 

The two are in their Training Crops uniform like the other recruits, scattered around on the training grounds, nervously chatting with each other. The both of them head towards the training field, walking alongside each other. Recruits begin to whisper and point at the both of them, a small group of them even started to snicker. Makoto grind her teeth together and clutch her fist, clearly a second away from snapping at them but her young sister nudge her to keep moving. 

They walk over to the edge of the field where no one else could interfere with them. "Remember Kyouko, stick with the plan. If we get separate cabins, we'll meet at midnight over behind one of our cabins." She tells her. 

Kyouko never had a hatred for humans unlike her sister. She never thought it was their fault their parents died. Makoto always viewed her as the weak one out of the two of them and had a strong urge to protect her from harm. Kyouko saw humans as equals and wanted her older sister to see them as the same. Makoto would scoff at the idea and state she would never see those scumbags as someone equal or superior but rather as a waste of space and resources. Makoto saw her as naive when it came to these kinds of things and she couldn't see why her sister can't see her from her perspective. 

"Maybe we shouldn't carry this out, these people didn't have anything to do with the incident. Who knows, some of them might have been victims too!" Kyouko insist, causing Makoto to glare at her 

"They never suffered as much as they did. All humans are the same. Those people that could have been victims could have been children of the people who never helped us back then." Makoto snarl at her. 

Why couldn't she see I'm trying to do the best for the both of us?!  Makoto thought to herself.

Makoto avert her eyes onto the training field among the other recruits to spot a group of three, two boys and one girl. The boys are tall and sort of muscular, one blond and the other one brunette. The blond seems to have a determined and fearless look on his face while the brunette looks nervous. As for the girl, she had blue eyes and blonde hair. Her face was stoic and show no sort of emotions. 

Makoto looks at another group of three with two boys and a girl. One of the boys has blond hair and blue eyes with a babyish-looking face and a scared expression mixed with nervousness. The other boy has dark green eyes and brown hair. He looks determined and angry at the same time. He was muttering about killing all of the titans, making Makoto hold back a scoff. Finally, the third person, is a girl with jet black hair and her eyes are blackish. She's more muscular than the two boys and has pale skin. She also has a stoic expression. Despite her whole appearance giving off a scary vibe, her eyes are calming to look at. She has a red scarf around her neck despite the blazing heat.

Makoto's attention was drawn away when she hears someone eating and turns her head until her eyes land on a brunette with her hair in a ponytail. She's greedily eating some bread while scanning around to make sure no one will catch her in the act. 

Makoto shouldn't be surprised at this since humans are always greedy. Even when she was a child, no matter how hard one begged, no one will ever spare you food unless you stole from them or ate the scraps that were left.  

Her eyes move towards a pair of girls next. One of them is a tall brunette with brown eyes and freckles. She didn't reach her height but she is considerable tall compared to everyone else here. The other girl is a petite blonde with blue eyes that are bright and full of excitement and worry. But she covers it up with an angelic smile and a perky attitude. 

Not to mention groups of boys will walk by the short blonde whispering and drooling over her. It wasn't surprising seeing men drool over any attractive women they passed by. 

Makoto watches as a boy quietly went up behind the short blonde girl. His hands are at the level of her hips as his eyes are hungry for lust. The taller girl didn't happen to notice since she is facing the same direction as the shorter girl.

"I'll be right back," Makoto Kyouko which she looked at her confused but shrugs. She watches Makoto walk away and approach the boy from behind and before the boy could place his hands on the girl, she grabs him by the back of his neck and gave the boy a sinister smile. 

"I wouldn't do that if I were you." Makoto says, her voice low and threatening, sending a shiver down the boy's spine. This causes the boy to yelp in surprise and fear, drawing the attention of the two girls and the boy's friends.

She could smell the fear from him and his friends. Her grip tightens around his neck causing him to flinch in pain and glare at her, "Let me go, you freak."

Makoto lets out a deep growl and makes her grip tighter, making him cry out. "Hasn't your mother ever taught you to respect women? Or people's personal space in general?" She says with a with fake smile. He whimpers in fear and doesn't say anything else. 

After a moment of silence, she releases his neck. "Next time, I won't be so nice," she said nonchalantly and heads back to Kyouko as the boy runs back to his group of friends.

"Nice job. You defended a human." Kyouko says proudly. Makoto scoffs, "You wish. I only stood up because I don't need to see any ass groping or whatever he was gonna do." 

Makoto's wolf ears perk up as footsteps approach them. She glances to see it's the short blonde girl from before. 

"Thank you for before. I wasn't sure what happened, not until someone told me." The girl says. So people did notice but they didn't bother to do anything. Makoto simply shrugs in response and the two stood in awkward silence until she spoke up again, "My name is Christa Lenz! It's very nice to meet you" She gives her bright and angelic smile causing Makoto to feel weird inside.

Somewhat this makes me feel.....weird..... Seeing a stranger I don't even know look so happy and yet I can't help but have this weird feeling in my gut.

She shakes off and replies, "Makoto." 

Despite just receiving a short simple reply, she seems happier and clapps her hands together. "It's nice to meet you Makoto! I hope we can be friends!" She says cheerfully.

Friends... She haven't heard that word for so long. Makoto has spent most of her life caring for her and her sibling ever since their parents passed. 

"Oh right! I should get going! My friend will worry about me if I don't return back to her!" She remembers and breaks eye contact with Makoto and walks off. Before she did, she turns back to me and gives me a wave which Makoto didn't return. 

She's a lively one, isn't she?

But something seems off about her. Something wasn't right. Makoto can tell the girl is hiding something. Something she doesn't want anyone else to find out. Makoto couldn't trust her or any human in the matter of fact. Never did. Never will.

A loud whistle can be heard through the field, assembling all the recruits. She signals Kyouko to follow her towards the center where everyone else is. She pushes the thought of Christa out of her head and began to focus.

Let's get this mission started.

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