Chapter 28

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Makoto is greeted by the sunlight from the window shining through the curtains, hitting her eyes.

She lifts her head as she brings her right hand up to cover the light from her eyes and allows her eyes to adjust to her surroundings. She has forgotten that she slept on Historia's bed with the other girls that night due to the thunder and lightning. The girls are still sleeping, comfortably tucked in and nuzzling close to her. She can't help but feel flustered with how close they all are. She glances to her right to see Mikasa changing out of her sleepwear. Makoto's cheeks burn as she catches her mid-changing and quickly averts her eyes away in modesty and shame.

"You're awake." Mikasa's voice cut through the silence like a knife. 

"Yeah," Makoto replies not as loudly, not wanting to wake up the others. 

They don't say anything else and allows silence to cling in the air once more. 

"I'm going to work out. Are you coming?" Mikasa's voice interrupts again.

"Why would I go with you? You hate me," Makoto snorts and doesn't bother to look at her. Makoto couldn't see her reaction before she walks towards the door and leaves the cabin. Makoto lets out a sigh of relief and lets her head hit the pillow. 

I hope they wake up soon because I can't feel my limbs.


An hour later, the rest of the girls wake up and Makoto finally can gain feeling back into her limbs. During breakfast, she finds out Kyouko had left for a mission given by Levi.

If Levi sent her to some death mission, I'll hurt him so badly that he'll be an inch shorter when I'm done with him.

Since Makoto was the last one to get to the cafeteria and only two pieces of stale bread were left. She sighs and takes whatever was left and goes to her table to eat.

She sits and eat her food in silence while the girls talk with each other. The bread is tasteless and hard but it's better than nothing. Her stomach growls in unsatisfactory in response to the stale bread. She decides to give up on this "so-called breakfast" and push the tray aside. She folds her arms on the table and rests her head on her arms, zoning out the chattering and the clinks of utensils in the cafeteria then closes her eyes.

Her alone time doesn't last very long because the door of the cafeteria swung open and two figures walks in. "Where's Makoto?" A familiar voice asks, making Makoto open her eyes to see Petra and Nanaba. She looks at them confused at why they're here.

All heads turns towards Makoto when Petra said her name. Makoto slowly stands up, still confused about what's going on and walks over to them. 

"What are you two doing here?" Makoto asks, looking down at them with her arms crossed. She tries to look irritated but something about Nanaba's bright blue eyes and Petra's beautiful smile makes her soften up a bit.

"Come with us for a second," Nanaba says and not giving Makoto a second to reject, she grabs her arm and tugs her out the door with Petra following. 

Once they're a good distance away from the cafeteria, her grasp released on Makoto's arm and she presents a sack. 

"Uh... a sack?" Makoto asks as she takes it with hesitation.

"Look inside," Petra says, practically rocking on her heels. 

Makoto doesn't question any further and opens the sack to see fresh bread, cheese, and sausage. Her stomach let out a loud growl and she tries to hold back from stuffing the food into her mouth. "How did you get this?" Makoto asks as she reaches in to grab the bread that's still warm.

"We knew that you guys don't really get fresh food so we went to the market and got some for you," Nanaba says as Makoto takes a bite out of the bread. It doesn't take long for her to finish due to how hungry she was. 

Once she finishes, she lets out an embarrassing cough and looks away from the other two, "Sorry. I was hungry."

"It's fine. I know how hungry you can be." Petra giggles and took a few steps forward to pats her head, causing Makoto's tail to wag a bit in reaction. 

This caused both girls to look at Makoto with awe. "Makoto, did you just wag your tail?" Nanaba teases with affection in her voice as she reaches over and begins to pat her head as well. 

"What! No! Don't be ridiculous!" Makoto snarls, trying to sound offended but it's hard to look scary when she's wagging her tail. The two girls ignore Makoto's threat and continues to pet and coo about how adorable she is. 

Makoto groans in embarrassment and gives up, knowing she doesn't have a chance in defending herself. 

They eventually stop patting her head. She takes this opportunity to calm herself down. 

"Nanaba. Petra. Why are you guys trying so hard to be nice?" Makoto asks out of nowhere. "You guys were never like this before so why now? It doesn't make sense."

The two girls look at each other before looking at Makoto again.

"We still feel bad about what happened to you back then. I know we didn't have direct connections with the whole thing but it's still pretty shitty knowing that it was happening under our noses." Nanaba says with a frown.

"Not only that but we really think you're a good kid, Makoto. You didn't deserve that sort of treatment." Petra adds on.

Makoto sighs and rubs the back of her neck. "I appreciate you two trying to be nice to me but i don't want a pity party because of what happened to me back then. What's done is done."

"That's not true Makoto. Even though it happened in the past, it's still affecting you now. You still have memories of what happened." Petra urges. "We're not doing this because we have pity. We know what it's like to struggle with bad memories. Even though what we went through is nothing like yours, it doesn't mean we can't sympathize with you."

Makoto stares at them for a couple of seconds before groaning, "Even if I tell you two to back off, you're not going to huh?"

"Nope. You're under our care now." Nanaba says and wraps an arm around her shoulders grinning. Makoto cracks a small smile and pushes her arm off gently. 

"Fine whatever. Do what you want." Makoto brushes off.

The other two smile at Makoto and pull her into a group hug.

"Ugh is this necessary?" Makoto complains and tries to move away but Nanaba only hugs her tighter.

"Yep. Get used to it." Nanaba laughs as she pulls away with Petra. "We should get going kid. See you around." 

The two smile and wave at Makoto before walking away, leaving the hybrid to herself.

Makoto can feel herself smile as she watches them leave.

Wolf Titan (Futa Yuri Attack On Titan Story)Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin