Chapter 19

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(A/N: I'm alive motherfuckers. Barely but still fucking breathing)

The kiss was surprising gentle but fierce. Her lips were slightly cold, sending a pleasant shiver down Makoto's spine. Her grip loosens and Makoto can feel her arms wrap around her neck. Makoto shivers slightly as her arms graze her neck, carefully placing her hands on her waist.

When Annie's tongue begins to prod Makoto's bottom lip, someone coughs behind them, making them pull away from each other. Makoto turns to see Petra and Eren, Petra's eyes filled with an emotion that Makoto couldn't tell what it was. Eren's jaw drops in shock and none of them could form any words.

Makoto finally clears her throat as her face heats up, "What are you guys doing here?"

"We came to look for you since Levi said that you should have come back an hour ago. But I see that you're a little busy right now." Petra spats. Makoto doesn't understand why Petra was so angry. Sure she was a bit late from returning but it wasn't like she was doing something bad.

Before Makoto could say anything else, she turns her heels and storms off the other direction with Eren running after her, asking what was wrong. Makoto couldn't help but feel confused but also guilty for making Petra angry. 

Annie turns her head towards her again, making the taller girl look at her. "Ignore them," She says, making Makoto frown.

"I can't just ignore her. She's one of my generals and she's right. I was supposed to be back an hour ago. And why did you just kiss me out of nowhere? Just because you didn't like the fact Nanaba kissed my forehead? Did that kiss even mean anything to you?" Makoto bombards her.

Annie stays quiet but continues to stare at her. "Why does it matter?" She asks with no emotion.

Makoto sighs and pulls Annie's arms away from her neck and moves away from her. "It matters because it's my emotions you're evolving. You can't just do that out of nowhere to no reason." Makoto states. 

"I don't know what it means. Most likely mixed emotions but it felt like nothing to me." She says codly.

Makoto bites her tongue, holding back her anger and scoffs. "Whatever. I should have never followed you here. I should have just left when I had the chance." She says and walks away from her. She can feel Annie's eyes burn into the back of her head but she keeps walking. Makoto felt angry and used, her first kiss was stolen and it meant nothing. And yet her kiss still lingering on her lips and the guilt inside of her is coming into reality.


Ever since the kiss between Makoto and Annie, everything changed between Petra and Makoto. She would walk away whenever Makoto was nearby and would keep her answers brief whenever Makoto asked her something. 

Makoto never tried to look for Annie either, she made it a mission to avoid her at all cost.

Makoto knew that if she didn't tell anyone else about the kiss, she was going to be driven nuts.

Kyouko knocks on her sister's cabin door before poking her head in and smiling at her. "You wanted to talk?" She says as she walks in and closing the door behind her. Makoto nods and gestures her to sit on the bed next to her. "So what's up?" She asks.

Makoto sighs and shakes her head, "Annie and I kissed."

She stares at her with shock before grinning again, "My sister is a player! I can't believe it!" 

Makoto glares at her, "No! That's not something to celebrate about! And I am not a player!" 

Kyouko raises her hand in the air in defense and apologizes. "Sorry man but why do you seem so bothered?"

"She told me the kiss meant nothing to her and I feel used. It was my first kiss, Kyouko. And it meant nothing. She did it all because Nanaba kissed my stupid forehead." Makoto rants.

Kyouko frowns and pats her back, "I know it feels unfair that she stole your first kiss but there's nothing else you can do about it. I know it seems like a big deal but there will be other chances in life. Someone like you is gonna get a lot of kissing in the future."

"What's that supposed to mean?" Makoto asks confused.

"Nothing. It's just that if any guy here was in your situation, they would be bragging about how you just got two girls to kiss you. Attractive ones too." Kyouko says. "And it's not like anyone is gonna judge you for losing your first kiss before marriage man."

Makoto lets out a chuckle before nodding. "I guess you're right."

"Well yeah, I'm always right." Kyouko jokes around, earning a playful punch on the arm by her sister.

"Also Petra saw me kiss Annie. She got really mad about it and I don't know why." Makoto includes in.

"That's weird. Maybe you should find her and ask her what's wrong. It's the least you can do." Kyouko suggests. 

Makoto nods and gets up from the bed.

"Oh and Makoto?" She says as Makoto was heading for the door. She looks over to her and Kyouko says, "You better get used to being kissed. You don't know what's gonna happen next." 

Makoto looks at her, confused by her words, but nonetheless leaves to find Petra.

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