Chapter 16

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Once Makoto walks in, she sits down between Ymir and Christa with Kyouko sitting in front of her. Makoto rests her chin in the palm of her hand as she listens to everyone chatter happily around her. Kyouko throws her a concerning look, noticing how her sister wasn't trying to include herself.

"Makoto, how's training with Eren?" She asks, trying to break the tension.

"Hard to actually work with him when everyone is too busy focusing on him and they tend to forget about you," Makoto replies blankly, causing Eren to shift uncomfortably in his spot as Mikasa throws me a glare. Makoto rolls her eyes at Mikasa's glare as Kyouko laughs nervously.

"Please try not to pick fights with her. We might get kicked out." Kyouko whispers to her.

Everyone orders their foods and drinks starts coming in. Makoto watches as everyone starts to have a sip of their beers, raising an eyebrow at all of them.

"Are you guys sure you should be drinking? We're not even of age." Makoto says.

"Oh don't be a prude. Even your sister is loosening up man," Jean waves her off as he takes another swing of his beer. "Beside this place doesn't care if you're underage as long as they're getting money."

Makoto stares at her bottle of beer before pushing it away and ordering water.

"Just leave her alone. If she doesn't wanna drink, it's her choice." Kyouko says, getting Jean off her back.

It doesn't take long for people to get drunk. Jean and Connie were chugging down bottles of beer to see who can drink the most without feeling sick and Christa was just a lightweight. She begins to lean against Makoto for support, her eyes slightly hazy and tipsy.

"If you keep going, you're going to have a hangover in the morning," Makoto informs, making Christa pout and look up at her with her blue puppy eyes.

"But there's nothing else to do since the food isn't here yet," She whines causing Makoto to roll her eyes.

"If I keep you entertained and talk to you, will you stop?" Makoto says, not wanting to deal with a super drunk Christa later on. Christa grins and nods in agreement.

Makoto keeps her entertained by allowing her to ask questions and giving her decent replies until the food finally arrives.

Makoto can feel her stomach rumble at the smell of the food and she never realize how hungry she was until now. Once the food is placed in front of her, she eats it up quickly, being the first to finish her food.

As the night went on, more food was ordered and a lot more drinks. By now, a majority of them are drunk beside Makoto and Mikasa. Mikasa had stopped at her first drink since she wants to be able to look after drunk Eren.

Makoto's ears flatten, trying to muffle out the singing of drunk Sasha and Connie. She sighs and wishes the night would end already now that she already has a full stomach.

"Let's play a game! Let's play truth or dare!" Eren suggests and grins, taking one of the empty bottles.

"No," Makoto quickly replies and gets up, "Watching you all drink is one thing but playing your stupid drunk games is another."

"Come on Makoto! It'll be fun! We promise we won't have you do anything bad!" Kyouko begs and give Makoto her best puppy eyes.

Makoto grumbles under her breath and sits back down, knowing that if she were to leave now, she's leaving Mikasa with a handful of drunk people and she knows that Mikasa will only prioritize Eren. And as much as she hates her sister, she doesn't want to wake up the next morning and hear about her sister being found drunk and asleep on the side way.

Eren spins the bottle, making it land on Connie. Connie confidently jumps up and yells, "Dare!"

A smirk grows on Eren's face as he tells him the dare, "I dare you to yell I love cock outside." Connie stares at him as if he grew two heads but leaves the table anyways. A second after that, they all hear Connie screaming about how much he loves the male genitalia. Once he comes back, he spins the bottle, causing it to land on Makoto.

She givese him a hard glare to signal him not to do anything stupid and reply, "Truth."

"Okay. Uh, out of all the guys here. Who would you fuck?" He says, making Makoto narrow her eyes at him which he's too drunk to notice.

"First of all, that's inappropriate. And second, none of you because I don't like boys." Makoto replies.

Several people at the table stares at her with their eyes wide as saucers. "You don't like boys? Does that mean you're a lesbian?" Jean asks.

"No. I'm demisexual which means I don't feel sexually attracted to anyone unless I actually have an emotional connection with them. But I've always prefer girls though." Makoto explains and shrugs.

As the game continues on, more secrets were spilled and dares were given.

The bottle has only landed on Makoto several times and she picked truth for all of them and none of the questions were intense. Some of the dares caused the boys to kiss one another. There was one dare given to Christa to take off a piece of clothing by Jean but Ymir punched him in the arm for that.

There were times that Makoto will chuckle and the corner of her lip will lift up a bit in a small smile. Being around such lively people wasn't so bad every all.

The bottle lands on her once again and Makoto picks truth.

"Out of everyone you know, which two girls are you most likely to form a relationship with?" Kyouko asks, making the girls go quiet and look at me while the guys have smirks. Makoto glares at her sister for a second before leaning back in her seat to think about her options.

Makoto isn't close with anyone and it was kind of diffcult for her to choose someone until two people popped up in her head.

"I would date Annie and Nanaba."

Kyouko gasps and smirks at her, "Makoto, you sly dog. Going after someone who's older than you huh?"

"Shut it. You asked for two and I gave you two. It doesn't mean I'm willing to pursue them." Makoto snaps. The boys and Kyouko laugh and joke about how they want to set Makoto with Nanaba or Annie.

Makoto rolls her eyes playfully at their banter and looks over at the girls.

They're staring at her, their eyes filled with jealousy and pain. Christa looking as if she's going to tear up. Ymir gripping onto the bottle for dear life as she grinds her teeth. Sasha biting her lip as if she's holding in her tears. Mikasa with her emotionless eyes are colder than before.

Did she do something wrong again?

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