Chapter 36

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(A/N: I'm going to continue this book in past tense rather than present tense. I just prefer writing in past tense now lol. I have too many chapters to go back and change so I'm just gonna leave it how it is.)

Makoto's new life has caused her to lose track of time. Out in the wilderness, you almost forget the days the past by. She simply went by when the sun came up and when it went down. But one thing she knew for sure was that every morning, she would wake up by Annie's side curled up.

The two had found a safe location to settle down and began to forage their new home there. They worked together to build a small cabin together. Though it wasn't much, it gave off a homey feel and it was a perfect size for two. Their cabin was next to a stream and close to a waterfall which gave them access to water. While their place was not the most ideal, it was something they called home.

There were times they have come across travelers and they have stolen their things. Sure it's not rightfully moral but who's gonna stop them? The law?

One time, they were lucky enough to stop several thieves who were trying to smuggle ODM gear. Using the gear, they would deal with pesty titans that would get too close to their cabin. Luckily, it wasn't much of an issue. When it came to hunting and gathering food, Makoto would offer to go out since her risk of getting attacked by a titan was 50% less than Annie's.

She didn't mind since Annie would be the one to cook. Makoto would never admit it but she liked having a domestic lifestyle with Annie. It was much calmer than what it was inside the walls. 

It started off as a normal morning, Makoto woke up to the sun shining through the blinds. She squinted her eyes and let out a huff before raising her hand up to block out the sun. She must have been too tired the other night to fully shut the blinds. 

She glanced down to see Annie asleep and cuddled up to her, her head resting on her collar bone while her arm was draped around her waist. Makoto couldn't help but smile softly at Annie as she gently brushed the strands of loose hair from her face with her other hand. 

While Annie and Makoto weren't dating, their new lifestyle has caused them to grow much closer. Annie has softened up around her and would smile around her more. Makoto grew more talkative around the blonde and would even laugh at snarky remarks from her. 

Makoto's tail was loosely wrapped around Annie as well, keeping her warm. Makoto carefully ran her fingers through her hair, getting the knots out. This almost became a morning routine for them. One of them would wake up earlier than the other and would gently run their fingers in the other's hair. It was soothing for both of them and especially when none of them want to get out of bed.

Once she finished, Makoto sighed and wrapped her arms around the shorter girl, drawing her closer. Annie has became her safe haven since the both of them ran away. She realized how Annie has really changed her life. Not only did she save her when she was an experiment but she was the reason why she had this life now. She could never let anything happen to her.

Sadly, all things come to an end and Annie had started shifting. Makoto loosened her grip and watched as Annie's eyes fluttered open, and she was greeted by her beautiful blue eyes.

Makoto can feel her cheeks heat up slightly as she stared at her drowsy expression.

"It's not nice to stare..." she grumbled drowsily as she flicked Makoto's forehead playfully. Makoto flinched slightly at the flick but gave her a playful glare.

The blonde girl cracked a small smile before running her finger through Makoto's hair. Her tail wagged happily feeling her fingers run through her hair. 

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