Chapter 30

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The nightmare lingers in Makoto's mind for the rest of the day. She wasn't able to focus on stuff like training, resulting in a scowling from Levi. She was quieter than usual during meal times, not looking up at anyone and would poke at her food with a fork. She ends up giving her meal to Sasha before heading out of the cafeteria. 

Kyouko grows worried gets up from her seat, following her sister. "Hey Makoto, are you okay? You've been quiet the entire day. Is something bothering you?" She asks and places a hand on her shoulder. Makoto flinches at the contact and quickly turns around, ready to punch who ever it was but stops when she spots her sister. 

"Oh um yeah. I'm fine." Makoto lies, putting her hand down. 

"Yeah right. You were about to punch me. What's going on with you?" The younger sister asks, frowning as she sees the bags under Makoto's eyes.

"I just had a bad dream last night. Worse than usual. It was different from the others, it wasn't something involving the experiment." Makoto says, unsure how to explain her nightmare. 

Kyouko nods, deciding it's better to change the subject than push her. "Hey did you hear about the two titans that were being experimented on by Hanji?"

"Yeah. They were in the same area with me." Makoto says bluntly.

"Wait really?! But that's dangerous?! What if they got loose?!" Kyouko asks, shocked by the new information.

"I was locked in a cage, they couldn't have gotten in anyways." She shrugs, "Anyways, what about them?"

"They questioning around about who could have killed them. They don't think it was you since you didn't have any weapons on you and you didn't transform so someone else was there. Did you see who it was?" Kyouko questions.

"Even if I did, I'm not ratting that person out. They're the reason why I got out in the first place. They saw me and let me out." Makoto replies, her mind flashing back to Annie and the day she freed her from her tortures.

Kyouko nods, "That's understandable. Whoever they were, I think they did the right thing. Those titans could have gotten loose and hurt someone. And they did free you so they're in my good book."

After a while, the two head to their own cabins to rest. Just ask Makoto was about to walk in, a Scout Regiment walks over and tells her that she's going to be a part of the 57th expedition. Makoto waves the person off, heading to bed without another thought.


Makoto wakes up early to run a couple of laps before the sun can come up. 

'Why did I have to go on this stupid expedition?' 

She shakes her head and finishes up her laps before wiping the sweat and goes to get ready for the day. 

The rest of the day runs by smoothly and Makoto mounts her horse then walks over to be next to Eren. 

"What do you think is gonna happen out there?" Eren asks no one in particular as he stares at the wall. "You've been out there right? What did you see?"

"Not much. Just trees and some smaller titans." Makoto says, not wanting the boy to freak out.

The line of people march towards the gates on horseback as people cheer. Eren looks down, letting his nerves get the best of him. 

"So the titans you mentioned earlier... How did you get away from them?" He asks.

"Being a hybrid has its perks sometimes. Being part animal, it gives me a 50/50 chance kind of. Either the titans ignores me or it charges towards me like how it would towards a human. I don't know what I'll get which is why it's better to stay on guard at all times." Makoto explains. She sort of feels bad for Eren that he's so on edge. "You'll be fine, Eren."

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