Chapter Forty-Three: The Pain in the Painting

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Change of plans, I want to meet in the garden.


AW: Who the hell is Nymphaea, Aurora?

Aurora folds up the letter and sticks it into her pocket.

AM: Nymphaea is Nymphaea. I'm apparently meeting them in the garden tonight.

AW: Respond.

AM: Why?

AW: So they know you received their note.

AM: Okay then...

Understood. I'll meet you there at the predetermined time.


AW: What is a kuawa?

AM: Guava.

AW: Who is Kuawa?

AM: Me, obviously.

AW: So you know who Nymphaea is?

AM: No.

She lies, losing eye contact. Arthur stares into her eyes.

AW: Have you met them before?

AM: No. 

She lied again. Arthur could tell something was wrong but wasn't so sure that she would lie to him.

AW: Aurora, what if it's a guy?

AM: What if it is?

AW: Let me finish. What if it's a guy who's trying to get you alone just to hurt you?

AM: I know how to protect myself, Arthur. Do you even trust me?

AW: Do you trust this Nymphaea guy?

AM: Yes I do! Maybe...maybe you should go...

AW: No. I don't want to.

AM: I want you to. I need you to go.

AW: Sit.

AM: Don't tell me to sit, I'm not a dog.

AW: I never said you were, now, sit down so we can talk.

AM: No.

AW: Aurora!

AM: Arthur! You know what? You make me feel so trapped, so alone. I'm finally with the guy I've fancied for years and you can't even be happy for me!

AW: Aurora! Sit down!

Aurora sits on the steps no one ever goes down.

AW: Thank you.

AM: Make it quick.

AW: You say you finally got with the guy you fancied for years, right? Have you ever considered that I've fancied someone for years too but they can't even think of me as more than a friend?

AM: I--

AW: No. I'm not finished. You run around rubbing your relationship with Teddy in my face like I don't have feelings at all. Edward Lupin is just another fuck boy that gallivants around the school making every girl fall for him.

AM: He's not a fuck--

AW: Yes! Oh my god, yes he is! You--you can't see it, Mackie! He doesn't love you!

AM: Arthur--

AW: Mackie, stop. I'm tired of pretending that I'm happy fo you. I'm tired of pretending that I can find someone.

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