Chapter Twenty-Nine: The Tragedy at Hand

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A/N: Trigger warning: Death. My sincerest apologies.

I run across the room but I am stopped by Harry.

HP: You chose the wrong side y/n.

Me: Harry, I know, I'm so sorry.

A tear rolls down his cheek.

Me: I--are you alright?

HP: Lupin--he--he just had a son too--and Tonks--

ME: Oh Harry, I'm sorry. I'm so sorry.

HP: I--I need to talk to Hermione.

He runs away to Hermione who is on the other side of the room. I hear Mrs Weasley scream. I run over.

Me: Ron? What's--

I see Fred in in a stretcher on the floor. I kneel next to him.

Me: Freddie, Freddie, talk to me.

MW: y/n, he's--he won't--

FW: y/n--?

His voice is weak and strained.

Me: Freddie, it's me, it's y/n.

FW: You're okay--thank God--

He winces as he speaks.

Me: Take it easy, Freddie.

FW: I don't have much longer, y/n.

Me: Don't say that Freddie.

FW: Shh. It's alright, Just let me speak...y/n, I love you. I always have. It broke me to see you with Malfoy but I'm so glad you're happy. Come here.

I lean in closer to him. He struggles to lift himself enough to speak into my ear.

FW: I'll never forget that night.

He lays back down. I smooth his hair down on his bloodied head and plant a kiss on his forehead.

FW: George?

GW: Yeah, Freddie?

George sits next to me. Everyone sits around Freed.

FW: George, remember what I said about when I get married?

GW: Yeah, I do bud.

FW: "When I get married, I won't be bothering with any of this nonsense. You can all wear what you like and I'll put a full body-bind curse on mum until it's over." Casual, wear whatever you want. I'll never get that chance but you will. Sorry I won't be your best man.

GW: Freddie, fight it.

FW: Shh. Ron?

RW: Yes mate?

FW: I'm so proud of the man you turned into.

RW: Freddie--

FW: Tell 'Mione how you feel. Marry that girl. She's your other half, don't lose that. I'm losing my other half so you can have yours.

RW: I'll tell her, Fred, I will.

FW: Perce?

PW: Fred?

FW: Sorry for teasing you for being a big-headed prefect.

PW: I was--I am a big-headed--

FW: No, you're not, Perce. I can tell that you're going to go on to do great things. Bill?

BW: Fred, I--

FW: Someone better name one of their kids after me. Bill, I want you to stay happy with Fleur forever. Protect her with everything that you are.

BW: I will. I promise.

FW: Charlie? You've always been a pain but I appreciate you. Thanks for teaching me about dragons and shit. I hope you become a Care of Magical Creatures teacher.

CW: I will, just for you.

FW: Gin?

GiW: Fred, please--

FW: You're the best quidditch chaser I've ever seen. You're gonna be in the big leagues one day. Don't miss your chance with Harry. 

Ginny wipes tears from her eyes, nodding.

FW: Dad?

AW: We're here, Fred.

FW: Dad, there's no real function of a rubber duck.

AW: Wha--really?

FW: Entertainment purposes--children's toy.

Fred coughs up a bit of blood. I wipe off his mouth. His eyes begin to close.

Me: Freddie, don't you dare close your eyes.

They flutter back open.

FW: y/n, chase your dreams. George, keep the shop open. You're my other half, mate, keep the spirit alive. And Mum?

MW: Yes?

FW: At least now--

He coughs up more blood. She wipes his mouth with a kerchief. 

FW: At least now you'll be able to tell us apart...

His eyes go blank and his chest stops its shattered rising and falling pattern.

Me: Fred?

No response.

Me: Fred? No, don't do this. Please. Freddie! FREDDIE! This isn't funny!

My voice falters. Mrs Weasley gasps out a soft no. 

Me: ...freddie...i'm so sorry...

I collapse into George's arms. He's violently sobbing. I hold Fred's hand still, feeling it slowly growing colder.

Me: This is all my fault, I'm so sorry George.

GW: Shh, it's not your fault. It's not. Freddie wouldn't want you saying stuff like that. 

I drop Fred's hand and wrap my arms around George's neck, crying into his shoulder. He strokes my hair.

GW: I'm sorry.

Me: I wish I could've saved him.

GW: There's nothing we could have done, y/n. You have to go. 

He helps me up.

Me: But what about Fre--

GW: He's gone, y/n. He'll still be laying right here next to Tonks---and Lupin--

He wipes his eyes and gently pushes me towards the door.

GW: Go, y/n, and be careful.

I nod my head and run through the castle.

Me: Draco? Draco?

Everyone makes their way to the courtyard.

Me: Draco? Draco, where are you?

"Harry Potter is dead."




"Harry! HARRY!"

"SILENCE! It is over!"

Shit. It's over.

The End of the Beginning (Draco Malfoy x Fem Reader)Where stories live. Discover now