Chapter Twenty-Two: Stargazing with the Potter Boy

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I'm holding a small child. This is unusual compared to my normal dreams. The child must be at least two. He has curly ginger hair and striking brown eyes. Little freckles are sprinkled across his nose. He reaches up and pats my face. "Mummy." 

What? What did he just call me?

"Mummy, I's hungy."

"Come here, Figo. Daddy will get you some fruit snacks."

My eyes widen as an older George Weasley approaches me. A boy, identical to the one in my arms, trailing behind him. The boy at George's feet grabs his leg. 

"Daddy, Freddie wants fuit snack too."

"Alright bud, let me grab Figo."

The boy in my arms, Figo, reaches for George. He takes the boys to get fruit snacks in the kitchen. I am left alone. I look around the room at the photos on the wall. Pictures of George, Figo, Freddie, and I are placed tastefully around the room. Wha--What's going on?

GW: I'm setting the boys down for n-a-p-s, I'll be down shortly.


I feel myself yell back. I sit in a wooden rocking chair in the corner of the room. The fireplace crackles next to me. I stand back up and roam the room. There's a nice couch and a small coffee table placed in the centre of the room. George enters the room and sits on the couch.

GW: Those two are a handful.

I sit down next to him.

Me: George, what's going on?

GW: What do you mean?

Me: Why did that little boy call me 'Mummy'?

GW: That 'little boy' is one of our sons, y/n.

Me: Sons? Wh--what?

GW: Yes, our sons. Figo and Fred ll. You and I created those little rascals. 

Me: But--But I love Fred...

GW: I'd sure hope so, he's your son.

Me: No--I--Nevermind. How old are they?

GW: Seriously, y/n? They turn three in a week. 

Me: They're adorable.

GW: They're ours. Why are you being so weird? You were in labour for fourteen hours with those two. Did you forget?

Me: I--I guess so. 

GW: That's strange...It's alright. It's not that big of a deal.

Me: George, where's Harry?

GW: Working. Why?

Me: Just wondering. What's his job?

GW: Auror at the Ministry, y/n. You know this.

Me: Auror? That's pretty cool. What's your job?

GW: y/n, Ron and I run the joke shop.

Me: What about Fred?

GW: He's here with Figo and Mum while we're at work.

Me: No--Nevermind. How are they?

GW: Who?

Me: Figo and Fred?

The End of the Beginning (Draco Malfoy x Fem Reader)Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora