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I hummed some random song as I arranged the grazing board filled with different types of cheese, cold cuts and fruits. I moved the two wine glasses to the centre of the coffee table and rearranged it until I was satisfied. I haven't popped the wine bottle open just yet. Thought I'd wait for Anne to get home before I start with anything.

Annabelle was very supportive of my evening plans and helped me get everything that I needed. She ran to the supermarket while I went to the wine cellar to get mix bottles of reds and whites.

I glanced at my watch and saw that it was half past eight in the evening. Dinner should be almost over by now and Anne should be walking through the front door within half an hour.

I flipped the TV on and grinned at the selection of romantic comedy movies, all of Anne's favorites, that I bought at Amazon Prime awhile ago. It was going to be a slow and relaxing movie night, just what Anne and I needed after being months apart.

I decided to watch some Korean news to pass the time while I was comfortably sprawled on Anne's oversized gray couch.

But forty minutes through the program, there was still no sign of Anne.

I picked up my mobile from the coffee table and saw that there was no message from her, either.

Maybe the dinner meeting dragged on. I thought to myself.

I'll give her half an hour more. There was no rush, we will be spending the entire night together and as she promised, the whole day tomorrow. I can wait for a few more minutes.

But when another half an hour had passed and there was still no sign of her, I started to get worried.

I sent her a quick message to check her whereabouts and when that went unanswered after fifteen minutes, I decided to give her a call. But she wasn't picking up and that got me even more worried.

At half past ten and I still didn't hear anything from Anne, I knew something was wrong.

I quickly dialed Jake's number, knowing too well that if anyone knew what was happening to her, it would be him.

Jake didn't pick up on my first and second calls. I was about to dial Rachel when he finally returned the call.

" Chang Wook, " Jake said. " Where are you? "

" I'm at Anne's apartment. " I frowned. " She was supposed to come home early after some business dinner but I haven't heard from her since we last spoke this afternoon. "

" I'll send a driver over to pick you up, " Jake said hurriedly. " He should be there in maybe fifteen minutes. "

" Why? Where's Anne?  " I asked in alarm. " What's going on? "

" She's in the hospital, "

My breath hitched in my throat when I heard what he said.

" Uncle Andrew had a heart attack earlier today. I just left her to take care of a few things. " Jake explained.

I was both relieved and surprised to hear the news. Now I understood why Anne wasn't replying to my messages and calls. It was a relief to know she's alright but there was an unsettling feeling inside of me learning that her father was in a critical condition.

True to Jake's words, the driver arrived in fifteen minutes to bring me to the hospital.

I wasn't surprised when I was led to the penthouse. This time though, unlike what happened in Seoul, the security personnel by the door quickly opened the door for me when I said who I was.

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