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" Great presentation, Anne, " Julian Clarks, one of my second degree cousins, and a member of the board congratulated as he walked past me by the door. " You've got my vote for that project. "

" Thanks Julian, " I acknowledged. " Beth should be emailing what I've just presented so you can all review everything before we vote on it next meeting. "

" I will go over it and let you know if I have any clarifications. " My blue eyed cousin nodded and then lowered his voice. " But so far, between your project and Michael's, I think I'm more inclined to vote for yours. "

He was referring to my other cousin who also gave a project presentation that morning.

" Thanks Julian, " I repeated as he gave me a wink and walked out the conference room.

" The CEO in the making, " Eloise, Jake's younger sister, and one of my closest cousin, teased as she approached me. " I was just telling Jake that you'd do a better job than him. "

Jake appeared at Eloise's side at that moment and grinned at me. " Of course she will. I will not even argue with that. "

Looking at Jake pointedly, I said, " If you haven't run off to Seoul, I would have been the one sitting down there listening to you preside today's meeting."

Jake shrugged offhandedly. " I don't really think I'm cut out to be running MartinCorp. You'll do a better job than me. You already are. "

" Marianne, " Uncle John said from behind Jake and I saw him looking at me approvingly.  " That was a wonderful presentation. I think you've convinced most of the board members. "

I beamed at Jake's father. Coming from him, that meant a lot.

" I'm convinced, " Eloise chimed in.

I laughed at her quick decision. Then my smile slowly faded when I remembered something. Furrowing my forehead, I dropped my voice so only the four of us can hear.

" Do you know where dad is, Uncle John? " I asked curiously. " He's not answering my calls and it's unlike him to miss a board meeting. "

John Martinez waved his hand dismissively. " You know your father. If he missed a board meeting then for sure, something more important came up. "

" It's just unlike him not to be here, " I said offhandedly.

I was back to my office fifteen minutes later reviewing some of the launch plans for the opening of the medical centre. The event was happening in less than a week but it felt like there were still a lot of things to be done.

I quickly emailed the team my comments on the launch plans and quickly dialed Beth's extension.

" Beth, can you set a team meeting day after tomorrow to discuss final launch plans, " I said when she picked up. " Preferably in the morning. "

" Sure, Anne, " Beth said breezily and set the phone down.

I was just reading through the joint speech the PR department has prepared for Tommy and I to give during the launch. The press conference was set few hours prior to the opening event.

I quickly searched for the PR Manager's mobile number and dialed her.

" Jane, thank you for the speech, " I began when she picked up. " It sounds good. But I think we need to give the press more details of the hospital and not capitalize so much on the partnership between MartinCorp and Anklers Pharmaceuticals. Everyone knows whom we've partnered up and I'm sure they'd want to know more of the hospital details. Facilities, types of services, machineries - these things. And not so much on the stake both companies have. "

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