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I still couldn't believe Chang was here. In New York with me. I thought incredulously as I stared at him from the wooden bench that I was sitting on.

I also couldn't believe how bad his timing was, walking in on Tommy and I in such a compromising position. I thought with resignation.

Why the fuck did Tommy have to touch me like that? I grimaced when I thought about how it must have looked to Chang. And of all the moment Chang could have appeared at my doorstep, it had to be at that moment.

I continued to stare glumly at him, frustrated with how everything went down that afternoon.

He was standing a few meters away from me, both his hands on his hips, his head turned to his right staring at space with a furious expression on his face.

I've never seen him this angry.

There was the time when Tommy and he got into a fist fight at my apartment in Seoul or the time when he found out about my departure for New York. But those were nothing compared to how grim he looked that afternoon.

It was of course my fault. I sighed helplessly.

We've walked aimlessly for more than half an hour since we've stepped out of the MartinCorp building. We've walked down several streets and crossed numerous intersections. But he never let go of my hand. Neither did he stop to give me a backward glance.

I would have been cowering under his gaze now except that he wasn't exactly looking at me. Plus, I was wearing three inch heels and after walking around it for more than half an hour, my feet and calves were now crying.

We finally stopped at one of the neighborhood parks, which I didn't even know existed. And when I spotted a wooden bench, I just crashed on it, relieved that my feet could finally get off those damned heels.

Chang still hasn't said anything. I didn't attempt initiating conversation either. After how he bit my head off in the lift earlier, I decided I should just wait for him to finish letting off steam and wait for his cue.

I knew I was guilty of a few things, the most important of which was intentionally filtering the information on the partnership between MartinCorp and Anklers Pharmaceuticals in constructing the medical centre.

The only reason why I hid that from him was because I knew how he strongly felt against Tommy. And considering that we were thousand miles apart, I didn't want him worrying about Tommy when there really wasn't anything to worry about.

But of course, that wasn't how it looked like earlier when he walked in on us.

I quickly tore my gaze off him when a sharp pain suddenly shot up my right calf. Groaning silently, I bent over and gently ran my fingers on my leg, slowly massaging it to ease the pain.

Of all the days to wear a new pair of heels, this had to be the day. I gritted my teeth as I writhed in pain.

I continued running my fingers on my calf muscles, applying random pressure around the area to ease the pain. I bit the side of my cheeks when I felt another pain shoot up my leg.

Perfect. Just perfect. I thought sourly. Suffering from leg cramps in some random park with a boyfriend who didn't even want to speak to me was just the perfect way to cap a really stressful week.

If Tommy didn't suddenly show up in my office today, this would have been a great day. I would probably be in Chang's arms right now smothering him with endless kisses to show him just how much I've missed him these past months.

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