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I had just gotten back to my hotel room after two hours at the Spa when my doorbell rang. Pausing the series that I was watching on Netflix, I jumped to answer the door.

" Hi beautiful, " Chang greeted, grinning at me widely.

" Hi handsome, " I grinned back in surprise as I pulled the door open so he can come in.

He already left for work when I woke up this morning. I knew he was scheduled to visit two other schools today to promote our show. I wasn't expecting him back in the hotel until later this evening.

" Back so early? " I asked curiously as I glanced at the clock sitting by the counter which indicated that it was only four in the afternoon.

" Couldn't stay away from my girl for so long, " he said as he leaned forward and dropped a quick kiss on my lips.

That's when I noticed that he was hiding something behind him.

" And what do you have in there? " I asked as I bent to my side so I can get a glimpse of what he was holding behind him.

He chuckled and quickly pulled out a huge bouquet of red carnations and white calla lilies.

" Thought this will cheer you up, " Chang said flashing me a boyish smile.

I gasped at the beautiful sight and quickly took the flowers from him. I stared at it in amazement running my hands on the fragile petals.

" Thanks, " I murmured as I brought the bouquet closer to my nose. " They're beautiful. "

" I know it has been a very busy few weeks, " Chang said as he moved closer to me and held me by the waist, making sure he was not crushing the bouquet in my hands. " And the past few days had been really rough on you. "

I looked up to see him watching me with concerned eyes.

" I'm okay, " I assured him, flashing him a smile. " Nothing that a day in a spa cannot fixed. "

But Chang was unconvinced as he continued to looked at me with worried eyes.

" I'm alright. Chang, " I repeated. To emphasize what I said, I took a step back and grinned at him. " See, I can even pirouette. "

" Anne, " Chang said in a warning voice.

I ignored his protest and placed one foot on the knee of my supporting leg and quickly launched myself to spin. I pirouetted gracefully the first time but when I tried to do it the second time, my raised foot fell to the floor and I lost my balance.

Chang was fast enough to catch me and scooped me in his arms before I hit the ground. He quickly covered the distance from where we were standing to the couch where I was sitting on earlier. He lowered us on the sofa, with me sitting on his lap.

" Sorry, " I said sheepishly when he gave me an I-told-you-so look. " But I did fine the first time. "

His face suddenly turned serious as he looked at me sharply. " Promise me you'd be careful, Anne. Promise you'd tell me if you don't feel well or if you find something is amiss or suspicious. Promise me. "

I nodded as I held his concerned gaze at me.

" I promise, " I said softly.

" If something ever happens to you..." he began as his eyes continued to search mine. " I don't know what I'd do if something bad ever happened to you. "

Discarding the bouquet on the coffee table, I quickly wrapped my arms around Chang's neck. " Nothing bad is going to happen to me. And if I ever find something is amiss, I promise I'll tell you."

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