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I leaned against the cavern wall and stared glumly at the lagoon. I let out a frustrated sigh as I threw my head back and stared at the cave's ceiling. The sun was slowly setting and I could feel my hopes sinking with it.

" They will find us, " I heard Chang say.

He was standing in front of me, one hand on his hip, the other at the back of his neck. He was looking at me with a determined expression on his face, as if assuring me that everything was going to be alright. I didn't feel as hopeful as he was so I just stared at him mutely not bothering to say anything.

I was tired of fighting. We've been arguing since we've lost our boats. We've been at each other's throat after we realized that mobile phones did not have cellular receptions in this place.

He turned to face the lagoon. I just watched him wordlessly. 

I was exhausted. We've tried everything possible to get out of that place but we had no success. He tried swimming in the water but the sharks were quick to pick up his scent. He must be bleeding somewhere, that's why the water animals could easily track him. 

We tried climbing up the walls but there was nothing to hold on to. As a last resort, we tried screaming for help, hoping that someone will hear us. No one heard. No one came.

I saw the last streak of sunlight disappear and it was all dark again. I heard the sudden howling of the wind and it echoed inside the cave far longer that it should. At the corner of my eyes, I can see sudden movements and shadows appearing and disappearing.

I am going to die in this place. I thought in dismay. If not from an actual ghost, it will be from a heart attack.

I closed my eyes trying to ignore the eerie sounds and shapes around us. I was almost succeeding in calming my racing heart when I heard a loud growl.

I gulped in fear. 

We are going to die. We are going to die.

Something cold suddenly touched my arm and I yelped as my eyes shot open.

" Anne! " Chang was squatting in front of me, his helmet in one hand, a concerned look on his face. " It's me."

I gasped for air as I clutched his arm. " D-don', " I choked out.

He nodded quickly. He lowered his eyes and and through the lights, I saw what he was holding in his hand.

" Here, " he offered me a Twix bar. " It's not much but it will help."

That's when I realized that the growling that I heard earlier was my grumbling stomach.

I was very hungry. I haven't eaten anything since last night's bonfire and that was almost twenty hours ago.

I hesitated but he looked at me encouragingly. " Go on, "

" Let's split it, " I told him as I took the bar from his hand.

He shook his head. " I'm alright, "

He wasn't. I knew he was as hungry as I was.

" Don't argue. " I told him as I tore the chocolate wrapper. " If we are to plan our getaway, we need all the energy that we can get."

He regarded me for a moment and then finally relented. Taking a seat beside me, we started munching on the Twix sticks. We ate in silence as we stared at the lagoon and watched our boats, which were carried by the current at the farthest side of the cave, banging against the walls continuously.

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