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" Take a deep breath, " Rachel said as she fanned me with an A4 sized menu. " You got this."

I nodded mutely as I obeyed my best friend. I inhaled and exhaled several times hoping the exercise would truly calm my nerves.

There was a knock on my door and Riwa popped her head inside the dressing room a few seconds after.

" It's time ladies." she informed us and opened the door wide.

" She's ready! " Rachel beamed at her and gestured for Odessa and Eunna to do their last minute touch ups.

When she felt that I was completely made up, Rachel pulled me out of my chair and we quickly joined Riwa in the long hallway that led to the conference room.

We had taken a few steps when I heard a voice from behind us.

" Looking good, Anne, "

I slowed down my pace and saw Daniel catching up with us. He winked at me and then went into complementing Riwa and Rachel on how they both looked.

Chang fell into steps beside me a few seconds after, looking immaculate in his dark suit and gray plaid trench coat.

" Good morning, baby, " he greeted in a soft voice as he leaned over and gently placed a kiss on my lips.

When he pulled away, I quickly reached out to wipe the lipstick stain on his lips and I couldn't help but appreciate how dashing he looked that morning.

He looked different that day. With his hair brushed up and and his face made up with light make-up that enhanced his sharp features, he looked pretty slick. The way he carried himself in his Armani Suit and Versace Jacket made him look more like the celebrity that he really was and not the boy next door that I've been dating for weeks.

As Rachel would have termed it, Chang looked drop dead gorgeous.

" Ready? " He asked in a lowered voice.

I nodded mutely trying to ignore how my stomach was tying itself into massive knots.

" Eight minutes, " I heard the floor director called to us when we approached the conference room's back door. " Get ready Chang Wook, Anne. On my cue."

Our entourage quickly dispersed after wishing us good luck, leaving Chang and I by the door waiting for the floor director's green light.

From where we were, I can hear Jake talking animatedly inside the room, his voice confident and full of authority. I could already imagine his audience mesmerized just by his presence. He has that effect on people.

Unlike me.

Why did I get myself into this? I thought as I fidgeted with my hands. What am I going to say in this press conference? What if I say the wrong thing? What if I make a mistake?

" Seven minutes!"

I felt the collar of my dress pushing against my neck and I reached out to tug it down. It was choking me, pushing against my pipeline. I couldn't breath. I tugged harder on my collar trying to loosen its grasp on my neck.

" Anne, " I felt a hand closed in on the arm that was pulling on my neck.

I was brought out of my reverie and stared into a pair of concerned brown eyes.

" Breathe baby, " Chang's face was etched with worry as he continued to hold my arm, stopping me from yanking my collar down.

But I couldn't breathe.  I felt dizzy and nauseated and I could almost taste this morning's breakfast coming up my throat. My other hand went into my stomach. I groaned as I closed my eyes and gave in to the lightheadedness.

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