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I tapped my foot impatiently on the floor as I watched Jake paced around Chang's living room.

He's been at it since the three of them got out of that closed door meeting at the adjoining room half an hour ago. They probably discussed our ambush a few hours ago, it's after effects or something.

Daniel was doing the same thing, stopping a few seconds or so to take a quick look at me.

Chang was the calmest of the trio. He seated himself on the single sofa from across me. He was following my gaze as I looked back and forth at Jake and Daniel.

" Alright, stop, " I finally said not being able to stand the suspense any longer. " I'm getting dizzy watching the two of you. Can you please tell me what's going on? "

They both froze and exchanged worried looks.

" What? " I asked exasperatedly.

The two men didn't say anything and started pacing around the room once again.

I looked at Chang expectantly. He should know what the hell was going on with my cousin and his talent manager.

As if reading my thoughts, Chang cleared his throat.

" She's bound to know, " he told the two men. " You might as well tell her already."

" Tell me what? " I frowned as I raised an eyebrow at him.

He flashed me his killer smile and nodded towards my cousin indicating that it was Jake's job to tell me whatever information they're withholding from me.

" Jake, " I said and narrowed my eyes at him. " What is it? You're killing me with this suspense. "

My cousin took a deep breath as he pursed his lips together and stared at the ceiling for a few seconds, as if contemplating the words to say. I realized he was nervous and the fact that he was made me nervous too.

" Jake! " I cried out as I pushed myself up from my seat.

" We need to call for a press conference, " he finally looked at me as he tried to keep his expression neutral. " As soon as possible. "

That was it? I looked at him in confusion. What was the big fuss then?

" Okaaay, " I said slowly not catching on.

I mean, Jake definitely didn't need my permission to hold a press conference for his company. Or for his actor.

Jake cleared his throat.

Wait a minute.

And then, it hit me.

He couldn't mean-?! I thought in panic. For sure, he couldn't mean that.

" Because of what happened tonight, we need to protect Chang's image. " he continued. " And yours. We can't have people gossiping about the two of you even before we've made the official announcement of your upcoming TV series. We need to be proactive. We need to introduce you to the public before speculations arise. So we've called for a press conference tomorrow. "

My eyes widened.

Introduce me to the what? What does he mean by public? On national television?

Wait. Did he just say tomorrow?

" And you need to be there with Chang Wook, Anne, " Daniel finished eyeing me cautiously.

I felt my heart begin to pound like crazy.

I'm going to face those people again?! What am I going to say? What if I say the wrong things? What if they don't like me and...

" Anne! "

I collapsed on the sofa suddenly feeling faint. I closed my eyes and felt my head spinning as I try to process what Jake and Daniel had just said.

Was this really happening? Had I really signed up to become a television actress? What am I going to say tomorrow? How will Korea react to me? Can I even do this?

I suddenly remembered the fear that engulfed me when I saw all the cameras and blinding flashes. If Chang wasn't holding me, I would have probably collapsed on the floor.

And that woman - that reporter. I barely heard what she asked. All I heard was the crazy pounding of my heart.

" Anne, " a soft voice brought me out of my reverie and I saw Chang by my side, one knee on the tiled floor looking at me worriedly with those beautiful brown eyes.

" Breathe. "

I obeyed and let out a long one. I did it a few more times until I felt the dizziness wore off. Until I felt I can breathe normally again.

" Anne, I'm sorry, I didn't- " I heard Jake's apologetic voice.

My eyes shot up. He was standing a few inches behind Chang, a hand behind his neck, a pained expression on his face.

" Are you crazy?! " I snapped at him and felt blood rushed to my head again. " You're going to throw me out there just like that?! "

I stood up and saw Chang got up from the floor too. I could feel his eyes on me but I couldn't be bothered. My eyes were fixed on Jake, who looked very uncomfortable being the target of my rage.

He should be. He was out of his damned mind!

" Anne, it's just a press conference, " he retorted but not with as much conviction as he would have probably wanted.

" Just a press conference?! " I scoffed haughtily. " If it's not such a big deal then why are you so adamant on doing it tomorrow? If it's just another run of the mill press conference, then why do I need to be there? "

" Oh come on, Anne, " Jake chided looking trapped.

" Do not ' oh come on' me, Jacob, " I snapped, my eyes blazing in fury. " It's one thing to sign me up with your agency. But it's another thing to throw me to the wolves tomorrow untrained and unprepared. Do you really want me to look stupid on national TV? Dammit, Jake! This is not what I signed up for. This is not why I'm here in Korea!"

I was shaking in anger. I couldn't believe he was going to make me look like an idiot. He knew why I didn't want to do this in the first place. He knew my greatest fear. Why I never wanted to be in the limelight. He damned knew.

With that, I walked out of the room. I walked around Chang's maze-like house and trudged where my feet took me. I saw several of his hired helps along the way but they didn't stop me nor speak to me. They just silently bowed their heads when I passed by.

I continued walking as I tried to calm my racing heart. I walked past several doors until I was led outside to a beautiful rose garden. In the middle of the garden stood a solitary wooden bench. My feet finally came to a halt and I took a seat.

I inhaled sharply and let out a long ragged breath.

What have I gotten myself into? What was I doing here? I should go back to New York. I can't be here. Jake was crazy with his proposition. I was insane to even agree with it. I couldn't do what he's asking.

He  knew everything. He knew what I've been through. And after what happened tonight, he seriously wanted me to face them all again just like that?! I knew I agreed to becoming a part of this world but I was expecting some sort of training or prepping before I'm asked to go public.

I felt my heart start racing again. Placing one hand where my heart was, I took another shaky breath to calm myself.

As I took another one, I felt a shadow fall over me.

I panicked.

" It's just me, "

To my relief, it wasn't Jake.  After that outburst, I didn't want to talk to him just yet.

Chang sat beside me on the bench leaving a small space between us. I waited for him to say something but he didn't. I wasn't in the mood to engage in small talks either so I just stayed quiet.

We didn't talk the entire time. We just sat there in comfortable silence as we watched stars appear and fade one after the other in the dark sky.

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