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I heard the sound of clinking glass and I quickly tore my eyes off Rachel and looked at where the sound was coming from.

I saw my uncle at the head of the table holding his glass as he waited for the noise to cease and all attention was finally on him. It didn't take a minute for that to happen and after all these years, I was still impressed with how he commanded power.

" I would like to thank everyone for coming here today, " he started as he looked at members of our family seated on the long dining table that was set up at the backyard's patio. " It has been a long time since we've all gathered "

There were smiles all around and I couldn't help but feel happy at the sight before me.

It has been years since the three families have gathered round. There was no falling out among the three brothers but ever since Uncle Joseph got married, things had been slightly strained because of his wife. And to avoid future encounters and falling out, Uncle Joseph decided to distance his family and himself from us.

I heard from Anne that prior to this luncheon, the three brothers apparently had a heart to heart, all initiated by her father. It was a closed door meeting and she didn't know what was discussed. But with the sudden invitation for a Sunday family luncheon, a tradition that had long been forgotten, we knew that bringing together the three families must have been one of the agenda in their meeting.

" So I would like to thank my brothers, John and Joseph, who came here together with their families, " Uncle Andrew continued. " Anne and I are most honored to have you all here tonight. And if Elizabeth were still alive, I'm sure she would be pleased to have you all with us. "

Anne was seated across me, at the middle of the table and she smiled at the mention of her late mother.

" We are glad to be here, Andrew, " the youngest of the Martinez brothers said out loud, as he flashed everyone in the table a smile. " It has been awhile indeed. "

Meredith silently smiled at everyone at the table as her husband spoke. She was nodding her head in agreement and looking amenable to what's going on around her. She looked serene, even demure - which was very uncharacteristic of her.

She was usually chatty, annoyingly chatty if I may put it. She's also very vocal about her thoughts and she never missed the opportunity to let everyone know that her husband was treated unfairly among the three brothers. Joseph, as per her, should have more shares in MartinCorp and her children, at least her eldest son, should have a claim to the company chairmanship.

I caught Anne's eye for a second and we exchanged questioning looks - wondering why Meredith Martinez was suddenly playing the role of a submissive wife. And why her boisterous son and daughter were acting like saints.

It was a weird sight but I had a feeling, their attitude tonight was the result of the heart to heart talk the three brothers had few days ago.

" I'm sure everyone here is aware of the biggest event of our family this year, " Uncle Andrew was saying. " And it pleases me to officially welcome the newest member to our family, whom I am sure all of you knew. She's been part of the family since Anne and she were babies but it makes me happy to know that she will officially be adopting our family name in a few weeks. "

I heard Rachel groan quietly beside me and I stifled a laugh as I took her hand from under the table.

" Rachel, " Uncle Andrew said smilingly as he nodded his head at her. " I think I've said this several times before but let me say it again, I am glad that you're officially becoming a member of this family. "

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