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I jumped out of the car as soon as the parking attendant opened the car door for me.

" Good morning, Ms. Martinez, " the young man greeted me in surprise when he saw me.

" Good morning, Brad, " I returned the greeting and quickly walked through MartinCorp's automatic glass doors.

The two security personnel quickly perked up when they saw me and muttered their hasty good mornings.

Like Brad, they looked surprise to see me walk into the MartinCorp building this early in the morning. It was after all only quarter past five in the morning which was four hours early that my usual office timing.

But it was a big day. Today we're launching MAMC and in my father's absence, I need to make sure that everything's all set and under control.

Beth was already furiously typing on her keyboard when I walked past her. When I was all settled on my seat, she appeared with a large cup of coffee and placed it on my table.

" This is a copy of today's schedule, " she told me as she placed a folder on my desk.

I quickly went through it and and the other pile of documents that she placed underneath.

" Did you remind everyone for the HOD meeting? " I asked absent-mindedly as I read the final copy of the press release that was going out to the media after our press conference.

" Yes, everyone's coming at seven, " Beth confirmed.

" Did Jake confirm to attend? " I asked, my eyes still glued to the folder that she handed me awhile ago.

" Yes, he'll be here, " she said and added hastily. " As well as your uncle. "

" But we didn't ask my uncle to come, or did we? " My eyes shot up and I furrowed my eyebrows, " He doesn't need to be there. Everything's under control. "

" We didn't, " Beth affirmed. " But his secretary called me a few minutes ago to inform me that he's joining the 7am HOD meeting. "

" Alright, " I muttered, slightly bothered with the thought of Uncle John wanting to attend a run of the mill meeting with MartinCorp's Head of Departments.

" The final meeting with the MAMC team will be at 9am at the centre's conference room.  Interviews with the newspapers will then start at noon, " Beth went on telling me. " It will go until the official press conference at four in the afternoon. Which will then lead everyone to the Gala Dinner. " 

I nodded my head as I skimmed through the other documents that she handed me. I took out the USB that she inserted in the folder and quickly plugged it in my laptop. 

" Your clothes for the conference and the Gala dinner are all in the MAMC's penthouse suite. " Beth continued. " Annabelle will send two ladies to help you get ready. "

" Okay, " I said and nodded gratefully at her. " Thanks, Beth. "

She started retreating for the door when I noticed the copy of my presentation during the gala dinner.

" Beth, " I called out as my eyes quickly skimmed through the slides.

When I raised my eyes, she had already made her way back to my table. " Is something wrong. Anne? "

I went back to the presentation slides once again and then looked at her questioningly. " Why is this a joint presentation with Tommy? We were supposed to have two separate presentations. "

She looked at the back of my laptop in confusion, her forehead creased.

" I thought you knew, " she said slowly.

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