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The holidays went by fast and before we knew it, New Year had arrived.

We've started filming again immediately after the New Year holiday. We've gotten a great response for our drama series so management had quickly decided to add six more episodes to the pilot season.

Anne and I were also getting back to back endorsement offers. Between shooting the show's additional episodes and fulfilling endorsement deals, not counting my other numerous engagements, they were enough to keep us busy.

I was grateful to be this busy. And I knew Anne was, too. She wasn't saying anything but I could sense her growing anxiety over her imminent departure.

I was just getting out of the shower one evening and changed into a fresh pair of jeans and shirt. I was downstairs in minutes and was surprised to find Daniel waiting for me in the den.

" What's up? " I asked as I sat across him.

Daniel slid a bunch of paper across the table and I quickly peered to see what those were.

" I'm your talent manager yet I can't seem to get hold of you these days, " he told me dryly as he took a pen from his shirt pocket and slid it across the table. " Now why is that? "

I ignored his sarcasm and took the pen.

" I've been busy, " I muttered as my eyes quickly skimmed through the renewal contract of a skin product that I've been endorsing for the last five years.

" I bet, " Daniel said eyeing me closely as I signed all pages of the contract.

When I finished, I placed the cap back on the pen and stood up. " Thanks for bringing that over. I need to go. "

Daniel narrowed his eyes at me.

" But I need to talk to you about some other contracts, " he protested.

I flashed my manager a quick smile and walked towards the door. " Let's talk tomorrow, alright? Someone's waiting for me. "

Daniel let out a frustrated sigh, " I'm sure Anne would understand if you're a few minutes late. You two have been unbelievably clingy these past days."

I paused and turned to look at Daniel.

Clingy. Now that's a word that's never been used to describe me.

But he was probably right. Admittedly, Anne and I had been spending practically all our waking hours together ever since I found out she was leaving. I guess I wanted to make the most of the time she has left in Seoul.

" She would, " I agreed, knowing full well that Anne wouldn't mind. " But I don't want to keep her waiting. "

Daniel opened his mouth to say something but I beat him to it.

" Just three months, Daniel, " I said as my eyes locked with his." Just let me be for three months. After that, you can ask me to do anything and you wouldn't hear me complaining about it. "

Daniel's expression softened and his mouth curled into a smile.

" Remember you said that, " he said folding his arms across his chest." I don't want to hear a single complain from you. "

I raised my right hand. " I solemnly promise not to complain. "

Daniel gave me a dismissive wave and I was on the road within a few minutes.

" I'm sorry I'm late, " I was breathless by the time that I got to the rooftop.

I noticed that the fire was already made and Anne was lazily sprawled on the couch, a thick blanket wrapped around her.

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