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" Thank you for gracing our show this evening Chang Wook, " Min Jun, the talk show's host told me from across the coffee table as we both smiled on the camera.

" It's my pleasure, Min Jun, " I flashed him and the camera a smile.

" Before we totally let you go tonight, " Min Jun said and looked at the queue cards that he was holding. " There are a few questions that your fans wanted to ask. "

I nodded, knowing full well what the questions were. The questions were pre approved and I was briefed by Lianne's team on the right things to say.

" First, is it true that you'd be having an Asian tour later this year? " Min Jun asked reading from his cards. " If so, will you be able to tell us more about it? "

" Yes, " I replied easily. " We are firming up plans and we should be announcing our itinerary in the coming weeks. All I can say for now is, we are trying to include as many countries and cities that we can given the timeline. "

" That is good news for all your fans out there then, " Min Jun said smilingly. " Second question, we've heard you've recently been signed up as an endorser by a popular luxury brand. Will you be able tell us anything about this? "

I shook my head. " Unfortunately, we still haven't firmed up anything and we are still in the process of negotiating. So unless everything is stamped and sealed, I can't say much. "

" We will just all be on the lookout then for future billboards with you on it, " Min Jun joked easily.

I laughed and grinned at him. " We should have prior announcements before any visuals come out. "

Min Jun nodded. " We'll be looking forward to that then. "

I nodded smilingly and relaxed on my seat.

The show was almost over and I was ready to call it a night. I've been up since two in the morning to catch an early flight to Jeju. We had a photo shoot for a surfing brand that I was endorsing.The minute that it finished, my crew and I took an afternoon flight back to Seoul to catch Min Jun's late night TV show.

" Chang Wook, we have one last question before we totally let you go, " Min Jun announced and the smile was frozen on my face.

I only got briefed for two main questions.

Without missing a beat, Min Jun went on.

" We all know that Anne left Seoul a few months ago and as Spotlight had put it, we all knew she's on an indefinite leave. " Min Jun started and my smile slightly faltered at the mention of Anne's name. " Now, I don't know how the media...how we've all missed this information but Anne is apparently the daughter of Billionaire, or is it Trillionaire, Andrew Martinez? Can you confirm this? "

I paused for a moment as I stared at Min Jun.

" I understand that since Anne left Seoul a few months ago, " Min Jun didn't wait for my reply and went on talking, looking at me expectantly. " You haven't really made any public comments about her sudden departure which resulted to the arising of a lot of speculations. I even have one myself. But we can't seem to know the truth behind what really happened. "

It was true. It had been four months since Anne left for New York and I've been dodging questions about her in interviews following her departure. I made it clear that I have no comment on what happened and I stand by the agency's public announcement about her sudden leave of absence. I'd hoped that was enough time for the issue to die down. I was apparently mistaken.

" So why did Anne leave, Chang Wook? " Min Jun pressed leaning forward as he did. " There's this rumor going around saying that she's badly hurt from that accident four months ago. That was why she had to leave so she can get treated."

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