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I watched helplessly as Chang stood up and walked out of my suite.

When my father left the room, we sat across each other not knowing what to say. It was the longest and most awkward silence that we've ever had. I honestly didn't know where to start explaining. It seemed like he didn't know what to say either.

But I saw the emotions in his eyes even when he didn't say anything. He looked shocked and hurt and bewildered, all at the same time.

I couldn't really blame him. I thought guiltily. If I were in his shoes, I would probably feel the same.

Way to go, dad. I thought bitterly, still unable to believe that my father was just in my hotel room minutes ago.

Slumping against the sofa, I sighed helplessly.

I wasn't surprise when I didn't see Chang the entire evening. When I went down for dinner, he wasn't there. I heard from Daniel he got room service.

When I finished with my meal, I quickly excused myself from Riwa and the crew. I would have gotten room service myself but I  was actually hoping that I'd see him at dinner tonight.

But it didn't look like I would so there really was no point in hanging out with the team tonight when all I really wanted to do was crawl in bed.

The elevator was closing when I saw somebody's black Testoni leather shoe pushed itself through the closing doors.

I knew that pair of shoes.

I looked up to see Jake walked inside the lift wearing a grim expression on his face. He mirrored my surprise expression when he saw me standing inside the lift.

" What are you doing here, Jake? " I asked in bewilderment.

" I'm here to see you, " he said in a grim voice as he loosened his tie and stared at the elevator's panel board. " But first, I need a stiff drink. Where's the bar at?"

" Twenty fourth floor, " I muttered and saw him pressed the button to the lounge.

When the lift had started moving, he gave me a sidelong glance. " You will need a drink when I tell you who arrived in Seoul this morning. "

I was pretty sure he meant my father. And after what went down a few hours ago, I thought I needed a drink too. A really stiff one.

It was a busy night in the lounge but we managed to find a spot at the farthest end of the bar. After the waitress took our orders, he dropped the news.

" Your father is here, " Jake said in a tight voice. " In Seoul. "

Don't I know?

" I know, " I muttered unenthusiastically. " He came to see me a few hours ago. "

" Damn it, " Jake muttered as he raked his hair with one hand." And I thought I needed to be here when he arrives. "

Our drinks arrived at that moment and I quickly filled my shot glass with Soju. I greedily took the drink in one gulp.

My cousin eyed me warily. " That bad, huh? "

I shook my head at him as I poured myself another shot. " You have no idea, Jake. "

I clenched my eyes shut after taking the second shot, feeling the hot liquid scraped down my throat.

" Chang was there when he arrived, " I told my cousin as I opened my eyes and poured myself another shot. " And he just went right on talking about Tommy and accusing me of cheating on my ex-fiancee when he was well aware that Chang and I are dating. "

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