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" You have a 4pm with Mr. Yuan to finalize the new talents' contact. You have a 6pm with the South Korean Entertainment Union . " Mrs. Wang went on enumerating my scheduled activities this afternoon. " There is a proposal to increase the Interns' wages. At 8pm, you have to attend a ribbon cutting with Mr. Soong at Lotte World. You have a dinner with the owners of the new clothing line thereafter. Tomorrow morning, we depart for Thailand at five so we can catch the lunch meeting with Mr. Simit. "

I zoned out Mrs. Wang after hearing my day's schedule. She went on and on about things to be discussed with the owner of Bangkok's biggest TV network. But my mind was wandering out of the room and into the recently constructed studio a few floors below my office.

" Sir, you have to bring your-"

" Cancel everything in my schedule today, " I told her as I pushed myself out of my chair.

"Sir? " Mrs. Wang looked up from her notebook in surprise. " Everything? "

" Everything, " I confirmed as I put on my suit jacket. " Can you make dinner reservations at 8pm? The best steak house in town if you can. "

The old woman nodded quickly as she watched me button up my jacket. I looked up to see her looking at me thoughfully.

" Is everything alright, sir? " She asked tentatively.

I've never cancelled any scheduled meetings unless something really urgent came up, like my sudden trips to Jeju and Indonesia a few weeks back.

" It will be. " I told her dismissively as I headed for the door.

After entering the four digit code in the elevator, I quickly pressed the number eight. After a minute, the elevator door sprang open. I found that they have converted the empty studio into three sets. The living room, kitchen and dining room.

Several cameras were placed across the kitchen set where a lot of scenes from the pilot episode is going to take place. I saw Anne seated on the kitchen counter while her glam team were busy retouching her hair and make-up. Chang was standing across her, leaning against the sink as his own team made him up.

I walked over to where Daniel and Riwa were standing behind one of the cameras and watched as Sam directed the pair what to do.

" Everything alright here? " I asked no one in particular.

They both looked at me in surprise. It has been awhile since I've attended film shoots. I've long handed that task to Spotlight's project managers three years ago. They monitor assigned films and shows and give their weekly reports to Jang who in turn ensures that productions are going smoothly. I only get involved when something seriously wrong has taken place.

" They're both doing great, " Daniel said his head making a gesture to where Chang and Anne were. " We've completed two scenes. This is the last one for the day. "

I nodded at him. I gave Riwa a sidelong glance. " How's our girl doing? "

Riwa beamed at me. " Anne is a natural. She was nervous the first time but she seemed to have gotten the hang of it. "

I nodded at her and focused my gaze on my cousin who was nodding at Sam's instructions. The director pulled her off the kitchen counter and practiced her blocking around the set. I watched as Sam called Chang in and asked them to rehearse the scene one last time before the camera starts rolling.

" This pair is going to be the talk of the town, " Daniel said after awhile as we watched the two of them rehearsed their scenes. He gave me an approving look. " I'd say you made a good decision getting Anne for this film. "

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