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" What do you mean they're missing?! " I bellowed as I slammed by fist on the table causing my secretary to jump in surprise.

I listened as Daniel gave me all the information he has prior to Ji Chang Wook and my cousin's disappearance.

" You and Riwa were supposed to keep an eye on them! " I said in angrily. " I can't believe this, Daniel! "

" I know, I know, Jake, " Daniel said in a distressed voice. " We would have handled this ourselves but it's almost 24 hours since we last saw them. There's still no sign of them anywhere. I've raised hell here and everyone's lookin for them. But I thought you should know. "

He thought I should know? The words echoed in my head. 

Of course I should know! They're both my talents and Anne just happened to be my cousin. The hell I should know!

" Mr. Martinez? Sir? "

I was brought out of my thoughts by Mrs. Wang, my secretary.

" Is everything alright, sir? Do you need anything? "

I stared at my mobile phone and realized that I unconsciously dropped Daniel's call. I didn't bother calling him back and leaned back on my chair.

Where could they have gone? What could have happened to them?

I've been trying Anne's phone earlier that day. I knew she would have gotten back in Seoul by noon. But I couldn't reach her. I considered that she must be tired and was getting a well deserved rest. When I still couldn't reach her an hour ago, I knew something wasn't right. It was half past eight in the evening and it wasn't like Anne to switch her phone off that long. She knew I'd be worried if I couldn't talk to her for a day.

I was about to head home earlier than usual to check up on her when I received Daniel's call.

" Sir? " Mrs. Wang prodded me.

Before I could say anything, my office door suddenly burst open and Lianne Liong, our Public Relations Manager, walked inside, a bewildered expression on her face.

" Jake, " She stared at me in bewilderment. " What happened? I can hear your voice all the way up to my office."

Lianne went to the same University as Jang and I. She was working in a multinational PR firm in Japan when we offered her a job. Without second thought, she resigned from her post and joined our team. She's been doing amazing things at Spotlight since then.

And if something did happen to the agency's talents, she'd be the best person to handle that, publicity wise.

" Chang and Anne are missing, " I finally said the words out loud.

The two ladies looked at me in confusion.

" What do you mean missing? " Lianne asked folding her arms across her chest. " They eloped or something?"

Mrs. Wang tried to stifle a laugh.

I narrowed my eyes at Lianne. 

" If that was indeed the case, I'm sure you won't be joking about it like you are now. " I told her dryly. " And they're not even dating. So that's the least of our worries. "

Lianne shrugged offhandedly. 

" Everyone thinks they're together after seeing them at that restaurant, " she told me as a matter-of-factly. " And trust me, if they are dating, that's going to be one of our biggest worries. "

Spotlight has an extensive provision on talents' personal lives, more specifically, their relationships. While contracts do not prohibit them from dating, they are expected not to have it publicized until they have the blessing of the agency, which Spotlight doesn't usually give out often.

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