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I looked up from my plate when I heard Jake cleared his throat and put on his CEO face.

" I have good news and bad news, " he clasped his hands together as he looked at each one of us.

I looked around and saw that everyone's eyes were on him. From Lianne to Daniel to Riwa. Even Anne who was seated across me placed her chopsticks down and and looked at Jake expectantly.

The six of us were having dinner at the hotel restaurant an hour after we've arrived from the mountain trip. We were just finishing up our main courses when Jake called for order.

We all knew that the sudden dinner invitation wasn't just another meal with our CEO. Jake was here with Lianne in Bali to discuss something important.

" Which one do you want to hear first? " He asked us smilingly.

That was a good sign. We would never catch Jake smiling if he was about to drop really bad news on us.

" The bad news first, " Daniel spoke out.

" Very well, " Jake said in a businesslike tone. " The bad news is I have to cut this vacation short. We will need to do the promotional photoshoot in three days. "

The four of us groaned.

This means, the production team of our upcoming TV drama series had probably started mobilizing in Seoul in preparation for the photo shoot. Specific locations will be scouted. Outfits to be decided and adjusted to our body size. Make-up rehearsals, all the works.

" Seriously? " I saw Anne shake her head at her cousin. " What could possibly be the good news then? "

" The good news is, " Jake said pausing for a few seconds for more effect. " We'll be doing the photo shoot here in Bali so you will all be extending your stay here for another a week."

Daniel let out a low whistle.

Lianne went to explain that Mario Dela Cruz, the famed Filipino photographer was in Jakarta for a fashion shoot. The designer who booked him didn't finish her collection in time so her shoot was rescheduled the month after. Spotlight, who has been chasing Mario's office for a photoshoot session for months, seized the opportunity and booked Mario for the days that he was supposed to shoot in Jakarta.

" So we're finally getting Mario to do the shoot this time, " Riwa said in awe. " This is going to be one hell of a promo shoot."

Mario was not famous because of his photography techniques. He was famous for his outrageous sets and unorthodox method of preparing and shooting his subjects.

Everyone was psyched to have Mario do the photo shoot. I've only worked with him once five years ago when I've recently joined Spotlight. He was famous then but not this famous. He was eccentric and had a bit of a temper. He was, at least, nice to me.

I was just finishing up my cup of green tea when I saw Daniel and Riwa excusing themselves, finally calling it a night. Anne and I were about to join them when Jake asked us to stay.

The two of us exchanged looks before sitting back down on our chairs.

" I'm sure both of you know who Mario is, " Jake said carefully as he looked from me to Anne. " You, Chang, you've worked with him before so you know how he does things. "

I nodded slightly not knowing where this was headed.

" The guy is a genius, " Jake went on enthusiastically. " Everything he touches turns to gold. People love his works no matter how outlandish some were."

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