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I stifled a yawn as I bent my head from left to right and glanced at the clock sitting on my desk.

It was only three in the afternoon but I think I'm ready to call it a day.

I had just gotten back from a three week business trip with my father last night and had been in back to back meetings since I walked in the office this morning. The first two weeks were tedious as we visited twenty one MartinCorp offices. The Anklers joined us on the final leg and I initially thought it will be awkward and stressful considering the situation Tommy and I were in. It surprisingly went well.

After stretching my arms upward, I reached for my mobile phone and checked for new messages.

I frowned when i realized that my last messages to Chang weren't delivered. I quickly dialed his number and placed the phone against my ear.

" The number you have dialed has been switched off, "

What's going on? I thought as I stared at the phone. Chang has never switched off his phone before and it's not like him to not inform me of his whereabouts.

A sudden thought occurred to me and I felt my stomach go queasy. I quickly googled his name on my laptop and I held my breath as I waited for search results.

My eyes quickly skimmed through the headlines and I let out a sigh of relief when I saw that most of the articles were talking about his upcoming TV series with Park Min Young. Nothing mentioning about any accident or unfortunate incident that happened to the actor.

Dialing Chang's number again, I received the same voice prompt. In frustration, I quickly dialed Daniel.

It rang several times but Daniel never picked up. I tried again but still, he didn't answer. I quickly typed a message checking about Chang's whereabouts and asking him to call me back when he's got the time.

" What the hell is going on? " I muttered in bewilderment.

I have not spoken to Chang in days. We exchanged a couple of text messages and with the time difference and my erratic business trip schedule, it was just impossible to find the time to slow down and talk to him.

I was hoping to catch him today. I missed his voice. I missed him.

When half an hour had passed and I haven't heard from either Chang or Daniel, I finally dialed my cousin's number.

It rang a couple of times before he picked.

" Finally, somebody picked up my call! " I exclaimed in relief.

" Good afternoon to you too, Anne, " my cousin greeted in amusement. " What's going on? "

" That's what I wanted to find out, " I told him as I leaned against my swivel chair. " I can't reach Chang or Daniel. Are they filming today? I know it was supposed to be his day off. "

Jake scoffed on the other line. " I don't exactly keep track of my talents' schedule, Anne. That's why they have talent managers to begin with. "

" Oh please don't give me that snobbish answer, Jacob, " I said dryly as I toyed with a pen that was sitting on the table.

" I wasn't being a snob, " my cousin retorted. " It's the truth. "

I rolled my eyes heavenward. " Well, you are being-"

I stopped when I heard a familiar voice on the background.

" Was that Rachel? " I asked in bewilderment. " What is she...why are..."

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