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I impatiently skimmed through the magazine that I picked up from the receiving area of my father's pent house at the Four Seasons Hotel.

I've been there for half an hour and if I haven't heard his voice booming from the adjoining meeting room, I would have thought he wasn't in the building.

He could have just asked me to come an hour later if he was still swamped with meetings. But of course, my father couldn't really care less about my schedule. The only schedule that mattered to him was his.

The meeting finally opened and several Korean businessmen piled out along with Donald, my father's right hand and personal assistant and Liam, my father's secretary. They exchanged farewells and Donald quickly ushered the four gentlemen out of my father's suite.

" Ms. Martinez, " Liam, my father's forty-six year old secretary called my attention. " Your father is ready for you. "

I quickly pushed myself up from the sofa and walked inside the meeting room which was recently vacated. Liam quickly closed the door behind me.

" Anne! " A familiar masculine voice greeted me when I entered the room.

I gasped when I saw the man walking towards me.

" Uncle John! " I exclaimed and gave the old man a bear hug.

Jake's father held me at arms length and quickly looked at me from head to toe.

" You've lost weight, my child, " he said but beamed at me. " But you looked somewhat happier. More relaxed and into your element. "

I smiled at him. " Thanks, Uncle John. I'm kind of helping Jake out with Spotlight. "

I heard my father speak up from behind my uncle. " Now don't give her any ideas, John. We need her back home. "

John rolled his eyes at me and I almost laughed at my uncle's reaction.

Jake's father was older than my father by three years. But sometimes, I feel like it's the other way around. While Andrew Martinez was serious, cold, and stiff, his older brother was the exact opposite. Uncle John was jolly, warm and funny. My father was blunt and tactless AF. Uncle John seemed to always know the right things to say, my father obviously doesn't.

No wonder Jake was a such a charmer. He obviously took after his father.

" When did you get in? " I asked as I sat from across the two of them at the conference table. " Does Jake know you're here? "

" Early this morning, " he told me as he leaned back against his chair. " He knows. In fact, I'm heading to Spotlight shortly. "

I nodded at the older man. " You can go ride with me. I've got a driver waiting downstairs. "

Uncle John beamed at me. " That would be perfect, Marianne. "

My father cleared his throat at that moment to signify that he wanted to discuss business, or whatever it is that he wanted to discuss with me.

" I won't beat around the bush, Anne, " my father started as he looked at me sharply. " I'm sure you already know why I wanted to see you today. "

I shrugged offhandedly, trying to play dumb.

My father folded his hands on the table and spoke without blinking. " You need to come back to New York and carry on with your responsibilities. As a member of this family, you have an obligation to -"

" Good heavens, Andrew! " Uncle John exclaimed cutting his younger brother off. " You're talking to your daughter and not one of your employees! "

My father threw his older brother an irritated look.

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