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I was singing the last verse of 'I Will Protect You," a song that's part of Healer's official sound track, when I felt my mobile phone vibrate in my back pocket, again.

In my haste to get onstage and finish off the night, I forgot to hand Daniel my mobile phone. I was relieved that the signal wasn't interfering with the microphone's audio.

" Saranghaeyo geudae yeongwonhi nae gyeote isseoyoe (I love you, be by my side forever) "

The crowd cheered wildly as I ended the song flawlessly and raised my arm to give the crowd a wave.

My phone continued to vibrate as the stage lights were switched off and I was quickly ushered offstage by the production assistants.

When I was finally backstage, I quickly handed the microphone to the PA and pulled out my mobile from my pocket.

I frowned when I saw three missed calls from Riwa.

Daniel showed up beside me at that moment, his phone to his ears. He was listening to someone talk on the other line as he warily looked at me.

" Where is she now? " Daniel asked and I looked at him curiously as one PA started removing the ear monitor device that was clipped behind me.

" Okay good, let her rest then, " Daniel continued as I quickly removed the earpiece from one ear and handed it back to the PA.

" Chang had just finished a guesting, " Daniel went on as he placed a hand on his hip. " Tell the doctor to be alert. If Anne feels anymore pain-"

My eyes shot up the minute that Daniel mentioned Anne's name and I immediately grabbed the phone from him.

" Riwa? Is that you? " I said as I placed a hand to stop Daniel from taking back his mobile. " Did something happen to Anne? "

" Oh Chang Wook, I'm glad I finally managed to talk to you.  " The Singaporean woman replied in a distraught voice. " I didn't know who to call. I was advised me not to contact Jake because he's busy with the media forum. I didn't want to call Lianne or Jang about this. I've been trying to reach you and I know you have a lot of things going on. But Anne fainted and Yeung Doo said she's suffering from fatigue. I was afraid-"

My breath suddenly hitched at the mention of Anne fainting.

" She fainted? " I echoed in disbelief, cutting her off as I rubbed my neck. " Is she alright? How did she-? I mean, why did she..? Wait, did you say she's suffering from fatigue?"

I felt fear gripped me and numerous thoughts started racing in my mind.

Daniel signaled for me to follow him and I absentmindedly followed him walk out the backstage while I listened to Riwa narrate what happened.

" Is she okay, Riwa? " I asked in a tight voice when she got to the part of Yeung Doo examining her.

" She's asleep now. Yeung Doo said she'll be fine and just needed to get some rest, "

" That's good to hear then, " I muttered in relief.

" I don't know,  " Riwa said in a distressed voice. " I think-I think she's really tired. She hasn't really slept properly. I knew she hasn't been eating well, too. She doesn't have an appetite. And she works too hard. I mean, you both work too hard. But she's new to all these. "

" I know, " I mumbled as I followed Daniel out of the building and quickly ushered me inside my trailer before anybody could spot me.

" Yeung Doo said she just needs a couple days of rest, " Riwa went on. " Plenty of sleep and enough food so she can get her strength back fast. "

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