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I could hear the wind brushing against my helmet as I sped up the highway. Turning the knob, I increased speed moving past the truck that the filming crew were on.

I knew Min Hyun, our director for today, was going to flip with that stunt but I couldn't resist.

We've been shooting this Ducati commercial since early morning. It was mid afternoon now and they've taken a hundred shots. I was exhausted and it's high time to have a bit of fun with this bike.

I sped past several vehicles and drove the bike past the main highway. As I always did whenever I'm on one, everything around me disappeared. My mind was clear and I completely lost track of time.

It was almost an hour after I returned to our shoot site, which was a small village at the outskirts of Seoul.

As soon as I stopped the engine, two PAs quickly rushed towards me. Removing my helmet, I handed it to one and gestured for the other one to take the bike away.

" If you aren't Ji Chang Wook, Korea's hottest star, Min Hyun would have fired you for taking off just like that, " Daniel snickered when I entered my trailer and found him slumped against the couch, a glass of what I think was spiked cola in his hand.

I shrugged my leather jacket off and grabbed a bottle of water from the fridge.

" They've taken a million shots, there's got to be one that's to his liking, " I retorted as I collapsed on the sofa across him.

Daniel nodded his head. " You're right. We've been shooting the same scenes the past three days, there's got to be a few things that will merit his approval. "

I nodded my head back as I threw my head backwards and took a gulp from my water bottle.

" So Rachel's ageny called me again, " Daniel said after awhile.

I threw him a disinterested look as I stood up to get my phone from the drawer of my bed side table. I didn't bring it to shoots because I knew that it would distract me.

" So, they have another drama in the pipeline, " Daniel told me as a matter of factly as I took the seat from across him again.

I grunted a response when he went on telling me about Rachel Park's upcoming drama.

Not taking my eyes off my phone, I entered my password to unlock it. When I saw that I didn't have any messages and missed calls, I finally raised my eyes to meet Daniel's.

" So how about it? " Daniel wanted to know.

I shrugged offhandedly. " What did management say? "

" They told me to check with you first, " he said pointedly.

I paused as I considered the idea. " When is filming supposed to start? "

Daniel looked at me wryly. " For sure it will be after she leaves. "

I winced at his reply. Just like every single time that this subject was brought up, a dull pain throbbed in my chest.

" Sorry, " Daniel muttered apologetically noticing my expression. " I didn't mean to remind you about that. But we can't put your career on hold forever, man. "

" I wasn't asking for forever, " I shot back as I took another gulp from my water bottle.

Three more weeks is more like it, I thought silently. After that, I'd be slaving myself to work.

" I know, " my manager said as he looked at me expectantly. " So how about it? Do you want me to get the script so you can review it? At least have a look at it before you shoot it down. "
I sighed.

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