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I was just putting the phone down when an enraged Lianne barged into my office, a newspaper in one hand.

" Have you seen this? " She asked as she stopped in front of my table and slid the paper from across the table.

My eyes quickly landed on the headline.


" Damn it, " I muttered as my eyes quickly skimmed through the article.

The article cited Chang Wook's departure from Korea and stated that their aircraft never reached Manila. The publication interviewed people from the Incheon International Airport who saw the actor depart and the team in Manila who were supposed to meet him in the Ninoy Aquino International Airport.

" This morning has been a nightmare, " Lianne told me as she seated herself on the chair from across me. " Chang Wook's fans are going berserk about this headline. Our phones have been ringing nonstop. Our social media platforms are flooded with comments and messages. "

It has been more than forty eight hours since the aircraft had been reported missing. There were still no news on the rescue operation that the Philippine government has organized in search for the actor and the crew.

Several speculations had arisen since it was reported that the actor's aircraft never made it to Manila. Some said his aircraft was hijacked and Ji Chang Wook was being held hostage. The other theories were closer to the truth, stating that the actor met a fatal accident on air.

" We're releasing a statement this afternoon, " Lianne was saying. " I'll have that sent to you in an hour. "

I nodded as I leaned back against my chair and heaved a sigh.

" Most of the brands that he's endorsing have already expressed their concern about Chang's disappearance, " she said as a matter of factly. " They wanted to have a meeting to discuss the situation and talk about our next steps should Chang Wook be found..."

Lianne trailed off as she locked eyes with me, her grave expression mirroring mine.

" He's not dead, Lianne, " I told her in a firm voice.

The actor couldn't be dead. I told myself for the hundredth time that day. Chang Wook had been in several accidents before, one of which involved my cousin, and he had always come out alive. Daniel and he must be stranded somewhere in that tropical forest waiting to be rescued.

They must be.

" Jake, if something has indeed happened to Chang Wook, we must be-"

" He's not dead, Lianne, " I snapped as I repeated myself in a firmer voice.

The PR director bit her lip and nodded quietly at me. Pushing herself out of her seat, she slightly bowed her head.

" I'll check on the team and see if the press release is ready, " she muttered and quickly turned towards the direction of the door.

I let out a heavy sigh when Lianne was out of the room. I absent-mindedly rubbed my temples which have not stopped throbbing since Jang, who was currently in Manila, had reported that local authorities were already advising him to expect for the worst.

My desk phone rang indicating Mrs. Wang on the other line.

" Mr. Jensen Avant is on line 1 sir, "

" Please put him through, "

We've been trying to reach the French owner and CEO of Avant Airlines since we knew of the incident. No one from my team had gotten to speak with him, which meant that he was either very busy or was just avoiding our calls.

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