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" Chang, "

I heard a voice say.

" It's alright, sweetie, " it continued in that same soothing voice. " You're safe."

I heard more voices, familiar voices.

Very slowly, I pushed my eyes open. My vision was blurry and I blinked several times to adjust my sight. I felt strong lights hit my eyes the minute I had them fully open. Instinctively, I raised an arm to shield myself from it.

" Shut the blinds, " somebody ordered.

" Chang, honey, " the soothing voice said.

I slowly lowered my hand and my mother's face came into clear view.

" Mm-om, " I croaked.

She touched my face and stroked it lovingly. " I'm here, sweetheart. I'm here."

Where was i? I thought when I saw the white walls with it's equally white blinds.

I started to sit up and felt a tug on my arm. That's when I noticed the oxygen mask covering my face and the IV stuck on my right arm.

" Rest, " my mother said as she placed a hand on my chest to push me back to the bed.

" Yes, Chang, " I heard a voice behind my mother and saw Daniel walked up to my bed. Trailing behind him were Tony and Alex. " Get some more rest. "

I quickly lowered my oxygen mask and looked at them questioningly. " Wh-what happened?"

The four of them looked at each other in silence.

I furrowed my brows at their expressions, wracking my brain for events that led me to the hospital. Very slowly, memories flashed before my eyes.

I remembered the bonfire and Daniel and Alex. I remembered my exchanges with Anne. I remembered the trek into the forest at two in the morning. I remembered being with Anne at the beach, the colorful canoes, the cave.

I sucked my breath.

The cave.

" Where is she? " I sat up quickly and for a moment the world around me spun.

" Hey, easy man, " Daniel said as he looked at me in alarm.

I looked at him quizzically. " Is she alright? "

" Don't stress yourself, honey, " my mother said as she gently touched my arm. " You need to rest so you can get your energy back."

But I ignored my mother and grabbed Daniel's arm. " Where's Anne, Daniel? "

He sighed and patted my arm consolingly. " She's in the other room, " he told me slowly.

Relief shot through me and I loosened my grip on his arm. Memories of her cold body laying on the cavern floor flashed before me. I remembered gathering her in my arms to give her my body heat. But no matter how I tried to warm her, she still trembled from the cold. I thought she was going to die.

I thought we were going to die.

" I want to see her, " I told them.

" You can't, " Daniel shook his head. " You need to rest. Both of you need to rest. When you're feeling better, I promise you will see her."

I opened my mouth to protest but my mother beat me to it.

" I am not going to let you out of this bed until you're all better, " she told me sternly.

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