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By the time you read this letter, I will be gone by your side.

I'm sorry that we had to part ways again - and this time for probably a longer period of time. 

I'm missing you already and I think I will never be able to forgive myself for letting you go the second time around. 

I don't know if leaving you was right or wrong. My heart tells me that doing this will probably be my life's biggest regret. But my mind says otherwise. All I know is that, I don't want to keep you from becoming this great person your family wants and needs to become. I don't want you to put things on hold because of me. And I will never want you to settle for anything less than you deserve because of me.

Please don't waste a lot of tears on me. Cry for maybe a day or two and then get back to conquering the world. Even when I'm far away, know that I will be rooting for you as you work to become the person that you've always been destined to be.

I may have never said this but know that I am proud of you. I am proud of the person that you are. I am proud of everything that you have already achieved. I am proud of how you take on life despite all the uncertainties that you meet along the way. 

I am and forever will be your biggest fan, on and off the camera.

I don't know what the future holds, baby. I am not even certain when we will see each other again. But I promise you that I will wait for that day. I will wait for the right time for us; when things will finally fall into place; when being together doesn't have to be such a struggle.

When that time comes, I promise I will never ever let you go.

Please take care of yourself. One day and one step at a time. Don't overwork. Don't overanalyze. Things happen for reasons that we do not always understand. 

And breathe, baby. When things do not go your way, just breathe.

I love you, Anne. With all my heart and soul, I do. 

 Being with you, even for the briefest moment, was the best thing that happened in my life.

Your number one fan,

Your number one fan,

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Ji Chang Wook

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