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" We want to say thank you for your time, Anne, " Soomin, the president of The Anne Martinez fans club said as she bowed her head to me to show respect. " We are deeply honored for having you. "

I took the girl's hands which caught her by surprise.

" I should be the one thanking you, " I told her sincerely as I gave her a grateful smile. " Thank you for coming up with this. Thank you for your all of your support. "

Soomin's face lit up and on impulse, she threw herself on me and gave me a tight hug.

My two bodyguards quickly walked towards me, probably planning to peel off the young woman off me. I gave them a dismissive wave and I saw Riwa block their way.

" We will be there to support you all the way, " Soomin promised when she finally pulled herself off me. " You and Chang Wook. "

I smiled at her. " Thank you. Please extend my thanks to all your members too. "

" We will, " Sun Jung, the club's vice-president, finally spoke out. " We are all grateful to you for sparing us some time. "

Riwa chose that moment to cut in, announcing that we needed to leave.

" Oh, before you leave, " Soomin said as she gestured for Sun Jung and the latter disappeared through the door behind them. " We wanted to give you something. "

Sun Jung reappeared and was carrying a big box wrapped in fancy silver paper.

" Here's a little something for you, " Soomin said enthusiastically. " It's nothing much but it came from all of us. "

I smiled as I took the box from Sun Jung with both hands. " Thank you ladies. You're so kind. "

" No, you're kind, " Soomin shook her head. " Others wouldn't even bother meeting their fans club. "

Really? I thought. But Chang does it all the time. Every now and then, he would set a day to meet with his numerous fans club.

Riwa cleared her throat disrupting my train of thoughts and quickly thank Soomin and Sun Jung for the day before ushering me towards the direction of my trailer van.

Lowering the sunglasses from my head, I gave the two women a small wave and walked over the vehicle that was waiting for me at the landing of the hotel's front steps.

" That went well, didn't it? " Riwa said when we were finally inside the vehicle.

" It did, " I replied wearily as I deposited the gift on the dining counter and walked to my bed at the farthest end of the van.

" Aren't you going to open this? " Riwa asked pointing to the box that Soomin and Sun Jung gave me a couple of minutes ago.

I glanced at the box and stifled a yawn. " I should. Those girls made an effort to give me that. "

I started to walk back to the counter when Riwa started shaking her head and blocked my way.

I looked at her in surprise. " Riwa, why are-"

She held me by the shoulders and turned me around to the direction of my bed. " Open it later. You need to get some sleep, child. You look pretty exhausted. "

" But I thought-"

" That can wait, " she cut in. " That box is not going anywhere and you need to get some sleep, Anne. I know you haven't had enough sleep the past weeks and we can't have you getting sick. "

I didn't argue as she pushed me towards the bed and drew the makeshift curtain divider close.

" If you need me, just wake me up anytime, Riwa, " I told her wearily as I poked my head through the small gap of the curtains.

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