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I froze on my spot by the counter when I heard what Anne said. I saw her threw me a glance before opening the door wide for her father to come in.

Straightening myself, I watched as a tall slender man in an expensive looking dark suit walked inside Anne's suite. He shared the same features as Anne - piercing almond shaped jet black eyes, naturally curled lashes, high bridged nose, thin lips. The only two features Anne and he didn't share were his hair and skin color. Anne had straight black hair, her father had gray wavy one. Anne had tanned olive skin, his father was fair skinned.

If anything, Anne's father looked like an older version of Jake.

I saw his eyes quickly roam the room, probably assessing if the suite was good enough for his only daughter. He had a poker expression on his face, not flinching at the sight before him. That was probably a good sign.

Then his piercing black eyes landed on me.

I've been scrutinized and looked down from head to toe before. It had never bothered me until that very moment.

" Good evening, sir, " I quickly said, trying to stifle the shock of seeing Anne's father.

Anne quickly cleared her throat. " Dad, this is Ji Chang Wook. "

His eyes never left my face even when Anne spoke. The way he was looking at me at that moment was unnerving. I didn't know if he knew about Anne and I but judging from the way his eyes narrowed, I guessed he knew something.

" Dad, why are you here? " Anne broke the awkward silence and asked his father the same question that she asked him when she opened the door.

Finally tearing his eyes off me, he looked at his daughter.

" Don't you think I should be asking you the exact question? " His father asked in a neutral voice.

His voice wasn't cold or sharp but there was something about the way he spoke that exuded power and authority. He reminded me of Anne when she was handling the media during the press conference.

Anne's father didn't wait for a reply and turned towards the suite's receiving area. Sitting himself on the single seater sofa, he looked at Anne expectantly.

She glanced at me, her eyes silently apologizing for her father's presence.

" I could go if you want me to, " I said quietly as I held her gaze.

Before she can say anything, her father spoke out. " I'd rather you stay, Ji Chang Wook. I think there are a few things that we need to talk about. "

" Dad, " Anne said in a warning tone.

But her father ignored her protest and gestured to the couch across him. " Please, join me and Anne. "

Taking a deep breath, Anne walked towards the couch with me trailing after her. We sat across him and as we silently sat there waiting for him to initiate conversation, I felt like we were two high school kids being subjected to disciplinary actions by the school principal.

Andrew Martinez finally broke the awkward silence.

" Every morning, my secretary prepares things that I need to review before I go about my meetings, " Anne's father started. " That will include agenda of my many meetings, reports that I need to go over, the stock market, news about our competitors...I'm sure Anne can give you a detailed list, Chang Wook. "

Anne gave me a sidelong glance and I forced a smile at her.

I didn't know where her father was going with this and I really wanted him to just get right down to the point.

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