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I stared at the TV screen, oblivious to the movie that has been playing for the past hour. I couldn't understand it even if my life depended on it.

I sighed and laid on my side as I pulled the fleece blanket up to my neck.

My heart was heavy and I've been trying to shake the feeling off since I got home from Jake's house over an hour ago.

I've showered and tried to sleep on my bed. But I couldn't sleep. I moved to the den and crashed on the couch hoping I'd fall alseep while watching a movie. But I still couldn't.

Maybe I should have listened to Rachel and stayed at the party. Then I wouldn't be all alone with my thoughts.

But I wasn't exactly in a festive mood after my argument with Chang. I didn't want to dampen anyone's holiday spirit so a few minutes after Chang left, I asked Jake to have one of his drivers bring me home.

My phone suddenly rang and I fell off the couch as I lunged for it.

" Hello? " I said breathlessly.

" Anne? Are you okay? " Rachel's shrill voice filled my ear.

I swallowed my disappointment and silently scolded myself for hoping that it was Chang.

" Yeah, " I muttered as I sat back on the couch and muted the movie that was playing on the TV.

" How come you're still awake? " Rachel asked curiously. " It's four in the morning. "

" So why are you calling me when you know that it's four in the morning?" I shot back, irritation evident in my voice.

" Whoa, I'm sorry. I didn't realize I dialed Scrooge instead of my best friend, " Rachel said and I bit my lower lip when I realized how bitchy I must have sounded.

" Sorry, Rach, " I mumbled as I laid my head against the pillow that I brought down from the bedroom. " How's everything there? What time are you coming home?"

" That's why I called, " Rachel replied. " Have you checked what's happening outside? "

I frowned. " What's happening outside? "

" Peek out of your window, Anne, " my best friend commanded.

I quickly obliged and walked towards the window fronting my iron gates. Slightly drawing the curtains, I peeked outside.

I gasped when I saw how heavy it was drizzling.

" It's snowing, " I said in amazement as I watched snow fell like rain into the ground.

" We're just waiting for it to slightly subside, " Rachel was saying. " And then Jake will drive me home. "

My eyebrows shot up when I heard what she said. Despite of my mood, I was smiling when I took the same spot on the couch.

" Jake is driving you home? " I echoed in a teasing voice. " He's really been chauffeuring you around these days. And mind you,  he doesn't really like driving people around. "

" Oh please, Anne, " I could already imagine Rachel rolling her eyes. " Don't go there. "

" What? " I said innocently. " I was just stating some observations. "

" Futile observations, " Rachel told me in a dismissive tone.

Futile my ass, I wanted to say but decided to let it slide tonight.

" If you still can't sleep when I get home, " Rachel said clearly changing the subject. " Let's talk about it over tea. I know I'm to blame for that. And I'm really sorry about what happened earlier. "

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