Infection and Guilt

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I hope you all enjoy this update.

"By the way, my TED talk went viral." Callie exclaims to me with joy in her voice. "And I will be asking the board to fund my research and you will say yes."

"And why will the board say yes?" I ask her as I finish up on my patient.

"Because I built freaking cartilage! This is research you will want to fund." She continues boasting.

"Well take it up with the board and..."

"I'm taking it up with the board now." Callie argues.

"Callie, I'm working right now. This is not a board meeting." I remind her.

"I'm telling my person and who just happens to be on the board about my research. You should be thrilled. This is an amazing thing."

"Callie, we get pitched all the time. There is a protocol for these things."

"Think on it."

"Bailey is already getting her Genome Lab so..."

"So funding my cartilage will be no issue." Callie puts my shoulder I swat her away.

"I don't even have time for research." I remind her.

"No, but you have time to complete 3 specialties. You are on the board, own part of this hospital and you are co-chiefs in three different departments. You're amazing." Callie reminds me and I start to cry. " it the..."

"Yes. These damn hormones me crying all the time and...Herman just makes fun of me for it and likes to see the different ways she can make me cry." I explain. "Mark is tiptoeing around me in fear I'm going to bite his head off I'm crying at work!" Callie hands me a tissue and I dab my face. "I hate being this emotional." I complain.

" will be okay. I..." I'm still crying my eyes out. "Just remember to say yes to my research."

"Callie!" I yell but she ignores me and keeps running.

"Can you tell your husband to back off on the training wheels with me?" Jackson asks as we're all being called in for a sims lab which is weird.

"Excuse me?"

"Sloan, he has been...I made one mistake on a nerve graft and now he's reverting back to his old self that never let me do anything. I'm almost done with my fellowship and he's still treating me like an intern." Jackson complains.

"Oh is baby worried that daddy is upset with him?" I tease Jackson and groans in annoyance.

"Never say that again. Like ever please." Jackson begs me.

"I will not help you with Mark."

"What? You're the only one he listens to."

"About life. But surgery. Anything that has to do with plastics or ENT that is all Mark. He is the expert and he will only listen to another expert."

"I made one mistake. He's made plenty of mistakes and..."

"Oh, I know all about Mark's mistakes." I chuckle to myself.

"The patient is fine but..."

"Mark will get over it. You know what would help? And this is the only piece of advice I can give you. Butter him up. Make him think he's amazing and...he will start going back to the Sloan you liked."

"You want me to feed his ego? Tell him the techniques he does for no scar sutures are the best ever?" Jackson questions me.

"You're seriously a surgeon and don't know about egos? You're in plastics. You have like one of the biggest egos ever."

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