chapter 1

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"Why didn't you wake me up?!" I yelled at Anastasia as I jumped out of bed without stretching myself. "I did!" She simply yelled back. I had no clue as to in which room she was in. "No you didn't!" I argued. "Yes I did,and you said you were awake so I left you." She defended,still yelling. "I never said such a thing. You're making it up." I felt a little guilty and sorry for her. We had been doing the same thing every morning for the past three days. Me oversleeping and her trying to wake me up to only fall back to sleep again. I sighed heavily. "Try harder next time!" I said before rushing to the bathroom.

Quickly striping off my clothes, which were an over sized grey shirt and a white thong,I stepped into the shower. The warm water was relaxing but unfortunately I did NOT have time to waste. I walked out after ten minutes of thoroughly scrubbing my body of sleep and laziness. I decided to go for a tight black pencil skirt,white blouse and black heels. I looked like a legit boss lady and it felt good.

Going through the small hallway,I saw Anastasia eating breakfast. French toast,bacon, blue berries, strawberries and a glass of orange juice. Two smoothies were on her right. She looked in my direction, a small apologetic smile on her face. I smiled back walking to her and kissed her on the cheek. I never liked to be the bearer of bad news but it was necessary."We have to go." I said and took the two bottled smoothies and placed then neatly in my bag. "Now!" I yelled at Ana,seeing she had not moved a muscle. She went to the kitchen cabinets and took out something to put her food in. She had a body different to mine. Way different. Tiny waist,curves, thick thighs, the perfect butt and the perfect boobs.

I always wondered how she kept that body so gorgeous and in shape because she ate like a guy and looked like a super model. But I would never tell her that,it would go straight to her head.

It was a Saturday and we were taking Ana's black SUV to work and that meant she was the driver. The drive was short,roughly twenty minutes. We found a parking spot very easily maybe that was because the hospital bitch,Elizabeth, decided not to ruin our day. That was shortly after as she packed right next to us. I sighed,and frown made it's way on my face. We got out of the car. "Elizabeth!" I greeted, with a small smile,surely forced and faked. I was never one to be rude and rude was never a word you would find in my vocabulary but this girl along with her two 'followers' were pushing me.

I thought this kind of shit only happened in high schools. If I knew girls like her still existed in this kind profession, I never would have chosen it in the first place. I should have just opted for business management instead.

Someone talked from the back ground, cutting my chain of thoughts. " Scarlett. Anastasia." She greeted back but with a toothy grin that showed her perfectly white teeth. I flinched back. Anastasia took a step forward, one that would result in a disoriented and unidentifiable face for Elizabeth. I grabbed her wrist before she could do much. She looked at me with begging eyes,ones that begged to beat the shit out of the girl that stood before us. I slowly shook my head no. I did not need to say a word she already knew what it meant,'She is not worth it'.

We made our way to the door,completely ignoring the women.

Being a surgeon was no walk in a park but somehow we made it work,with Anastasia being a pathologist made life a little interesting. Both our schedules were hectic but we managed to make every Saturday a movie night and today was a movie marathon. The day was a blur ,one that went on very slowly.

I was currently seated in my office with Ana on the other side eating and talking about something. We had ordered food from a nearby restaurant and Ana was eating her heart out while I took small bites and listened attentively to her talk. "You never actually told me why you're dressed like that." She said eyeing me as I had unbuttoned the top of the blouse. It was hot and I had to figure out a way to cool down. She made a low whistle and I laughed. "It's not what you're thinking," I laughed again as she gave me a questioning look. I could have just told her that it made me fell sexy,in a way,but thought otherwise. It made no difference if I told her or not,she would just tell that I was already sexy on my own. "I just wanted to look different." I defended,and glared at her. A quick smile and short laughter and we went back to eating. The silence that fell between us was comfortable and I liked it that way,but no Anastasia could not keep quite even if her life depended on it.

"At what time are we starting?" I was not sure of the answer but said it anyway. "At eight!" My lips said. Our conversation was short lived compared to the ones before but I would never complain. The girl could talk you to sleep if she wanted to and I would have killed to get her to shut up but her bubbly personality and big mouth are what got us to be friends.

"Doctor Wilde you're needed in operation room 145 and it's urgent."

It was repeated two more times. Thankfully I was done eating and my energy was sky high. "See you later." I kissed her on the right cheek before going out.

The patient whom I was called to operate on was a male. He was involved in a car incident,drunk and driving, barely hanging on to life. He suffered both internal and external injuries,severe head injuries and a few broken bones including the ribs. It took five hours to operate on the poor guy and get him stable. One more reason to never drink.

His family was beaming with joy to learn that he was stable albeit in a critical condition.

I checked my watch,19hrs. I smiled to myself,that meant I still had time to go for some coffee. Anastasia had went home about thirty minutes before I came out of the operation room and that was a bonus for me I didn't have to make the food. Yah!

I walked on the busy streets of the town. It was still bustling with life even at that hour. The town's night life was impeccable even during the winters. I walked inside the café,meeting Ruina as soon as I walked in. She engulfed me in a suffocating hug. I couldn't even breath from the way she held me. She informed me that she would wait for me and come with. "Has Juliet arrived yet?" I asked Ruina who was too busy engulfing me in that suffocating hug. "Yeah and they said to bring with us chocolate chip cookies or else we ain't getting through the gate never mind the door. "She said letting me free and rolling her eyes. My answer was a simple nod and I went to seat by the widow,asking Ruina to bring me the usual. Black coffee with no sugar.

I relaxed into the seat and looked out. The full moon was on full display with it's breath taking beauty and the clear sky complimented it even further. The night and mood was beautiful but however I got a feeling that I was being watched. I quickly shrugged if off and concentrated outside. My high caffeine drink came. A smile crawled it's way onto my face. The coffee melted on the tongue and my body sank into the chair. A positive reaction  that always made my day.

However I had to be quick and we still had to go to thr shops but we still made it on time. To the shops and the ride back home was short amd I was,we were glad that we were not late and the chocolate chip cookies were in hand. Ready to be eaten.

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